Liberty Links 2/17/18

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Top Links

The Dirty Secret Behind Warren Buffett’s Billions (This is the real Warren Buffett. Please read and share, The Nation)

Amazon Doesn’t Just Want to Dominate the Market—It Wants to Become the Market (Very important and disturbing article. The Nation)

CIA Argues The Public Can’t See Classified Information It Has Already Given To Favored Reporters (The Daily Caller)

Financial Insiders Contemplate “Imminent” 2018 U.S. Stock Market Crash of Up to “50%” (Nafeez Ahmed, Medium)

Rand Paul: Is Our Military Budget too Small, or Is Our Mission too Large? (Opinion piece by Rand Paul, Breitbart)

U.S. Intelligence Shuts Down Damning Report on Whistleblower Retaliation (The Daily Beast)

Joe Rogan Experience #1078 – Jimmy Dore (Great chat, YouTube)

Has Liberalism Failed? (Quillette)

Assange Case/Wikileaks (Special section this week since it’s so important)

See More Links »

from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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