Trumpism Sparks A Dangerous Explosion Of Socialist Movements Across America

Last month, the National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre issued a critical warning to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC): socialists are on the verge of taking over this country.

LaPierre’s comment was in response to the recent surge in membership of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the largest socialist organization in the United States, with some 32,000 members as of 2017.

“The joins today were 3x that of an average day,” Lawrence Dreyfuss, DSA program associate told The Daily Beast.

The oddity behind LaPierre drawing attention to DSA demonstrates how conservative pro-gun groups are possibly fueling a new trend in socialist movements across the United States.

LaPierre’s organization is more than 156 times larger than the DSA, but his concerns today signal that socialist movements in the United States could be entering the boom phase.

“On college campuses, The Communist Manifesto is one of the most frequently assigned texts. Karl Marx is the most assigned economist,” LaPierre said.

“And there are now over 100 chapters of Young Democratic Socialists of America at many universities, and students are even earning academic credit for promoting socialist causes,” he added.

One-third of millennials view socialism favorably:

Michelle Fisher, National Co-Chair, of YDSA said in a statement, “the blood on their hands from the Parkland massacre isn’t even dry, and the NRA is already focused on creating a new ‘red scare’ to incite a public frenzy and sell more guns.”

“The real red scare is the tide of blood the NRA and their lapdogs in Congress have brought to our schools,” she continued.

“DSA is growing because people across the country have had enough of corrupt politicians sacrificing the lives of children for the NRA’s freedom to profit. They buy their power, we build ours.”

The socialist group, founded in 1982, has transformed into America’s most significant socialist organization, due in particular to an era of Trumpism and recently published a “Resistance Rising” strategy to combat the Trump administration.

In particular, the Greater Baltimore chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (Baltimore DSA) is fueling similar concerns of what LaPierre was warning about — the risk of socialism flourishing across America’s inner cities is becoming a reality.

On March 17, Baltimore DSA’s is hosting the “Free Brake Light Clinic” enabling residents of Baltimore’s war-torn streets to have a free inspection of their automobiles’ brake lights, citing: “Cops often use broken taillights as a pretext for racial profiling of drivers. Help us defend our communities, spread the word far and wide of this event,” said the Greater Baltimore chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

“Our brake light clinic will take place 11 AM to 4 PM, next Saturday, Mar 17 at the Waverly YMCA. We still need volunteers and material: * Greeters/sign-in people * Folding chairs * Flyering to advertise the event ahead of time Please email to get involved!,” said Greater Baltimore chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America.

While it seems strange for LaPierre to comment on the DSA, considering their small size; we think the NRA has taken notice because the organization is one of the fastest growing groups on the American left. The rapid growth has been linked to an era of Trumpism and with a few more years left in his first term, it is likely the socialist group will continue to expand. As for Baltimore, we show how the socialist group is using the bottoms up approach on the war-torn streets to attract new members. If for whatever reason President Trump is not reelected in the next presidential election — there could be a chance that an extreme socialist candidate could be in the running..

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