Is America Interested in Another Round of Roseanne? New at Reason

'Roseanne'Television critic Glenn Garvin checks in on the reboot of iconic ’90s sitcom Roseanne. But first, a look at a chilling (pun very intended) AMC miniseries The Terror:

The voyage upon which The Terror is based set out from Great Britain in 1845 intending to chart the route from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans through the Northwest Passage. But the two ships, the Erebus and the Terror, were caught in the ice and abandoned by their crews, who were never seen again. Reports of Inuit Indian tribes in the area gave rise to rumors of madness, murder and cannibalism; the examination of some skeletal remains discovered 150 years later suggested that at least some of the stories might be true.

Simmons, in his novel, used a Ten Little Indians scenario, with crewmen disappearing from the ship one by one, to launch a book that was much more than a murder mystery. The Terror‘s writer-director David Kajganich has taken a slightly different route, using the star-crossed expedition’s hardships to invite views to wonder if its troubles are super- or supra-natural.

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