Kurt Loder Reviews Deadpool 2: New at Reason

Deadpool 2 delivers. The movie isn’t ideal, but it’s funny from front to back (and features the most hysterical credits scenes maybe ever). The script, by returning scribes Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, with Ryan Reynolds weighing in this time too, gives Reynolds’ title wisenheimer another armory of weaponized sarcasm to blast out at everyone from fellow superfolk (of both the Marvel and DC persuasions) to Jared Kushner and Elizabeth Kübler-Ross. New director David Leitch, whose credits include Atomic Blonde and the first John Wick movie, keeps the elaborate (and bloody) action coherent for the most part; and at least one of the new mutants introduced—the charismatically cool Domino, played by Zazie Beetz, of Atlanta—should really have “SPINOFF” tattooed across her forehead, writes Kurt Loder.

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