Michael Cohen’s New Clinton-Linked Lawyer Issues Mysterious Threat To Trump

Michael Cohen’s lawyer, longtime Clinton friend Lanny Davis, fired off a curious tweet Monday morning that appears to be an insult wrapped in a veiled threat.

In response to Rudy Giuliani suggesting that Cohen, Trump’s former longtime personal attorney, should “cooperate with the government,” and that “We have no reason to believe he did anything wrong” – Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis responded at 7:18 a.m. Monday:

“Did @rudygiuliani really say on Sunday shows that @michaelcohen212 should cooperate with prosecutors and tell the truth? Seriously? Is that Trump and Giuliani definition of “truth”? Trump/Giuliani next to the word “truth” = oxymoron. Stay tuned.  #thetruthmatters”

Davis, co-founder of Davis Goldberg & Galper PLLC and contributor to The Hill and other outlets, was special counsel and spokesman for Bill Clinton between 1996-1998 and met Hillary Clinton in 1970 while attending Yale Law

Mr. Davis has known the Clintons since he befriended Hillary Rodham at Yale Law School. (”I was the married guy who a lot of the women confided in about their male problems — I was safe.”) –NYT

When Clinton left the state department, Davis wrote of her in a farewell letter: 

The fact that she may be the most popular Secretary of State in U.S. history is no surprise.

As Secretary of State, she traveled to 112 countries and transformed the way America conducts diplomacy and development — with historic focus on linking women’s rights around the world to U.S. national security interests. She took full responsibility for the failures in the State Department that led to the tragic death of the U.S. Ambassador and three other Americans.

Before Davis published his tribute to Clinton, he emailed it to her for review, saying in a personal note: 

I hope you enjoy the memories – especially mom remembering your sparkling yellow pants suit!

I sent you my best wishes thru cdm when I heard about your fall. Happened to me once – faint and hard knock on marble
floor. Scary.

Take care of yourself – and look forward to a long rest as I wrote at the end. -Lanny Davis

Davis supported Hillary Clinton’s 2008 run for President until she lost to Barack Obama in the primaries, at which point he backed Obama. 

He was also revealed to have been deeply involved with Hillary Clinton’s server “matter” by WikiLeaks.

John Podesta sent the message to Cheryl Mills the evening of March 2, 2015, hours after the New York Times reported that Clinton might have violated federal records requirements by using the server, according to the latest batch of Podesta’s hacked emails.

“Not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later,” Podesta told Mills.

Mills responded: “Think you just got your new nick name.”

The “Lanny” mention is an apparent reference to lawyer Lanny Davis, who served as special counsel to then-President Bill Clinton. –NY Post

When Davis called for transparency in the Clinton email case, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote Podesta on March 8, 2015 “We gotta zap Lanny out of our universe. Can’t believe he committed her to a private review of her hard drive on TV.”

So are Michael Cohen and Lanny Davis the missing link that will finally help Mueller put Trump away for good? Find out soon.

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