Hillary Slips Up, Tweets Furious Screed Based On Debunked Kavanaugh Smear

Hillary Clinton went on 6-tweet tirade Wednesday against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, citing a debunked fake news story that Kavanaugh referred to birth-control pills as “abortion-inducing drugs.”

I want to be sure we’re all clear about something that Brett Kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearings last week,” Hillary confidently tweeted, adding “He referred to birth-control pills as “abortion-inducing drugs.” That set off a lot of alarm bells for me, and it should for you, too.”

The rest of the screed, which you can read by clicking on her tweet, condemns Kavanaugh for making it “clear that safe and legal abortion isn’t the only fundamental reproductive right at grave risk if he is confirmed. Access to birth control is, too.” 

Except, Kavanaugh never said that… 

And Hillary either didn’t get the message, or is choosing to deceive her 23.4 million followers. 

He was very clearly citing someone else in a response he gave to a question by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) – which California Democratic Rep. Kamala Harris’s office then deceptively edited to make it appear that Kavanaugh said the quote. 

Harris’s deception was so egregious that Politifact and several other fact checkers called her out on it after several conservative outlets called her out. 

Via Politifact: 

Harris’ tweet takes Kavanaugh’s statement out of context.

Harris cut an important second out of the clip — the attribution. Kavanaugh said, “They said filling out the form would make them complicit in the provision of the abortion-inducing drugs that they were, as a religious matter, objecting to.”

“They” refers to a Catholic nonprofit group, Priests for Life. Kavanaugh was answering a question from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, about a case in which he argued Priests for Life shouldn’t have to provide women with the contraceptive coverage mandated by the Affordable Care Act for religious reasons. –Politifact

Watch the deceptively edited video:  

In short, Kamala Harris – a Democratic 2020 hopeful, edited Kavanaugh’s response – ostensibly to deceive people, which Hillary Clinton then repeated several days after Harris was called out by multiple outlets. 

Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) dinged Clinton for peddling fake news: 

What gives?

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