Pace of Accusations and Twists Accelerates Ahead of Kavanaugh and Ford Testimony Today: Reason Roundup

Everybody and nobody is guilty. Allegedly. Despite my most fervent wishes to stop blogging daily about Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual past: here we are again. The halls of power, the TV networks, and Twitter today are filled with new and increasingly bizarre allegations about Kavanaugh and his accusers, as the Supreme Court nominee and research psychologist Christine Blasey Ford prepare to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee beginning at 10 a.m. this morning.

Since we left off here bright and early yesterday—when the world was just meeting Julie Swetnick, the third woman to accuse a teenage Kavanaugh of sexual assault or impropriety—Kavanaugh has said he has no idea who she is and that he felt like he was in the Twilight Zone; President Trump tweeted shade at her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, and then went on to give a typically trainwreck-esque press conference about it; and the Senate released prepared written testimonies from Kavanaugh and from Ford.

Trump’s press conference defense of Kavanaugh centered on the fact that he, too, had been accused of sexual assault by a lot of women. These allegations were false, he said. Therefore, Kavanaugh’s accusers were probably looney, too (in so many words). You can read the whole thing for yourself here.

And that was just the beginning! As Wednesday evening wore on, the pace of new accusers, new dirt on accusers, allegations of false identities, volunteer suspects, and all hell loosening continued to accelerate. Ahem:


Libertarian postmodernism? Nick Gillespie defends it.


from Hit & Run

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