“It’s Just Not Right”: Flake Blasts Trump’s “Appalling” Mockery Of Kavanaugh Accuser

After referring to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, President Trump has apparently changed his mind (perhaps because he senses that Democrats will continue to do everything in their power to delay a confirmation vote on Judge Brett Kavanaugh for as long as possible). And at a rally in Mississippi Tuesday night, Trump pointed out several inconsistencies in Ford’s story about what transpired that summer night in 1982 in his characteristically animated fashion…

But despite the fact that his remarks were relatively measured (by Trump standards), the media swiftly condemned the president for his comments, claiming that he “mercilessly mocked” a survivor of sexual assault. Adding his voice to the chorus of outrage, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake chimed in during an interview with “Today” Wednesday morning, decrying the president’s “appalling” remarks” and insisting that “it’s just not right” and that “there is no time and place” for comments like that.


The senator then dodged a question about whether he felt that Judge Brett Kavanaugh was truthful during last week’s testimony.

While this dodge might suggest otherwise, Flake is still undecided as to whether he will ultimately vote for Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed. But even though Flake is preparing to retire from the Senate, there’s still pressure for him to fall in line. Because why risk jeopardizing that high-paying lobbyist job that’s coming his way once his term ends?

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