Nearly 40% Of Americans Consume Fast Food Every Day; Guess Who Eats The Most?

A new study from the CDC reveals that 36.6% of American adults consume fast food every day, and that rich people eat more of it than those in the lower income brackets. Americans at 130% or less of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) consumed the least fast food, while those at 350% of FPL ate the most

Broken down by age, those 20-39 consumed the most fast food, while Americans over 60 consume the least. 

By race, non-Hispanic black Americans lead the pack at 42.4% eating fast food on any given day, while Asians consume the least at 30.6%. 

By time of day, lunch takes the cake – with 48.3% of men vs. 43.7% of women opting for fast food, followed closely by dinner. 

The CDC would like all of us to know that fast food consumption is associated with increased intake of calories, fat, and sodium. Also worth noting is an increased risk of diabetes and other expensive yet largely preventable health conditions. 

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