Texas Democrats Caught Mailing Pre-Filled Voter Registrations To Non-Citizens

The Texas Democratic Party has been sending pre-filled applications to non-citizens with the citizen box marked “yes,” according to new complaints filed Thursday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. The organization notified district attorneys and the Department of Justice, and included a signed affidavit from a man who claims that several relatives who are not citizens received the mailing, according to the Washington Times

“This is how the Texas Democratic Party is inviting foreign influence in an election in a federal election cycle,” said PILF spokesman, Logan Churchwell. 

The Texas secretary of state’s office confirmed that it too had received complaints from immigrants and the relatives of dead people who said they were sent the registration mailings. 

“If true there will be serious consequences,” said Texas governor Greg Abbott, a Republican. 

The PILF publicly released complaints it sent to Hidalgo and Starr counties asking for an investigation. The organization also provided copies of pre-marked voter applications and the affidavit from the man who said his non-citizen relatives received the mailing.

The applications were pre-addressed to elections officials, which is likely what left many voters to believe they were receiving an official communication from the state.

But the return address was from the State Democratic Executive Committee, and listed an address in Austin that matches the state Democratic Party’s headquarters.

The letter is emblazoned with “Urgent! Your voter registration deadline is October 9.” It continues: “Your voter registration application is inside. Complete, sign and return it today!

Letter from PILF to the Hidalgo County DA, and a signed affidavit from David C. Kifuri, a former employee of the 229th Judicial District Attorney. 

via RSS https://ift.tt/2OyLtxp Tyler Durden

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