Trump Threatens To Permanently Close Southern Border If Mexico Doesn’t Deport “Criminal” Migrants

Migrant caravan drama returned to the headlines over the weekend after several violent clashes broke out at the US-Mexico border, prompting US troops to fire tear gas at migrants who tried to rush the border, while one migrant who attacked border agents with stones after crossing into Arizona was taken into custody. After the incoming Mexican government denied reports that it had agreed to hold asylum applicants from Central American while they awaited their asylum hearings, Mexico said it would deport some 500 migrants who tried to rush the US border on Sunday.

Given all that is happening, it’s hardly surprising that President Trump, who just returned from a holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago, escalated his threats to close the US-Mexico border after a series of angry tweets about a 60 Minutes story about his administration’s controversial “child separation” policy where he (correctly) pointed out that the Trump administration’s policy was merely a continuation of policies from the Bush and Obama administrations. Trump said that he tried to keep families together, but that “when you do that, vast numbers of additional people storm the border.”

Trump closed his rant by demanding that Mexico move “stone-cold criminal” migrants back to their home countries “do it by plane, do it by bus, do it any way you want but they are NOT coming into the U.S.A!” Failing this, Trump added “we will close the border permanently if need be” before demanding that Congress “fund the WALL.”

Of course, Trump will have a chance to do just that next month, where he will have the opportunity to threaten a shutdown if Congress doesn’t agree to funding for his border-strengthening initiatives like the wall.

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