Prof Who Co-Founded Black Lives Matter: ‘I.C.E. = Gestapo’

Authored by Peyton Dillberg and Jon Street via Campus Reform,

An Arizona professor tweeted recently that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is equivalent to the Gestapo. 

Prescott College adjunct professor Patrisse Cullors, who is also a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, made the statement on Twitter. The Gestapo, otherwise known as the Nazi secret police, was formed in 1933 and lasted until the end of World War II. The Gestapo played a key role in Nazi Germany’s plan to exterminate European Jews.

When asked to comment further on her tweet, Cullors told Campus Reform, “I’ve been reading about ICE’s role in rounding up human beings who are labeled ‘illegal’ by the U.S. government.” 

“Many of the people in the undocumented community have been working on their citizenship and are in legal proceedings while kidnapped by ICE,” she continued.

“The Gestapo also rounded up human beings labeled as ‘illegal’ by the German government. Both agencies use similar tactics and I think it’s important we name that.”

ICE generally relies on cooperation from local police in order to detain illegal aliens and then deport them. However, that cooperation has weakened amid a nationwide push by the left to discourage local police from notifying ICE of individuals who are found to be in the country illegally upon getting arrested. 

This negative attitude toward ICE has also reached college campuses. 

For example, in July, Yale Law School Professor Gregg Gonsalves took to Twitter, where he encouraged his followers to “hide immigrants from ICE.” One month earlier, in June, New York University Professor Sam Lavigne received praise from Antifa after releasing the personal information of at least 1,500 ICE employees online. 

St. John’s University disinvited ICE from its career fair after a student group threatened to protest the agency’s presence. This came just months after professors at Johns Hopkins University petitionedadministrators to “immediately dissolve the currently existing partnership between the Johns Hopkins University and ICE.”

Cullors’ tweet came the same month that Seattle University Law School suspended its externship with ICE because of the agency’s “unjust and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers and migrant families.”

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