Finding a Cure for Our Fiscal Insanity: Podcast

Ruh-roh. ||| U.S. TreasuryThe national debt is north of $21 trillion, the annual deficit is nearing the $1 trillion threshold, the federal government can’t afford its old-age social insurance programs, state governments can’t afford their public-sector pension promises, and all this fiscal precariousness comes at the end of a near-historically long expansions in both the stock market and the economy writ large. Gee, what could go wrong?

So when Reason celebrated its 50th anniversary in November, we presented much diagnosis of, and some cures for, our fiscal insanity, through the expert testimony of an all-star panel: Former White House counsel and ambassador to the European Union C. Boyden Gray (who also moonlights as an Adam Smith champion and Reason Foundation trustee); the foundation’s Pension Integrity Project Managing Director Len Gilroy, and Managing Editor Peter Suderman. I moderated.

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Audio production by Ian Keyser.

Photo credit: Michael Brochstein/Sipa USA/Newscom

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