NBC Issues Latest Reminder That Mueller Report Might Disappoint 

Millions of Americans may be sorely disappointed” by the Mueller report – or lack thereof, according to NBC News.

Yes, after nearly three years of DOJ investigation, FBI spying, and what appears to have been a setup involving a mysterious Maltese professor who bragged about his ties to the Clinton Foundation – it looks like that “the public may never learn the full scope of what Mueller and his team has found,” according to the report – which comes days after a bipartisan Senate investigation found no collusion between Trumpworld and Russia, and the same day as former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe admitted that he rushed to open the Russia probe out of fear of being fired

Unless Mueller files a detailed indictment charging members of the Trump campaign with conspiring with Russia, the public may never learn the full scope of what Mueller and his team has found — including potentially scandalous behavior that doesn’t amount to a provable crime.

The reason: The special counsel operates under rules that severely constrain how much information can be made public.NBC News

And while the Attorney General will be required to notify Congress of Mueller’s findings, those reports must amount to “brief notifications, with an outline of the actions and the reasons for them.” 

“Expectations that we will see a comprehensive report from the special counsel are high. But the written regulations that govern the special counsel’s reporting requirements should arguably dampen those expectations,” said former federal prosecutor Chuck Rosenberg. 

In December, an overwhelming majority of adults surveyed by PBS NewsHour said that the Mueller report should be made public in its entirety, while lawmakers have said the same. 

In January, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) said “I think it’s really important that this report be made public,” adding “People are smart enough to figure it out and they’ve heard so much about it and they’ve listened to all the spin on both sides. This is an unusual circumstance and the American people need to see this report.”

When asked about making the Mueller report public, Trump’s pick for Attorney General, William Barr, has said “My goal will be to provide as much transparency as I can consistent with the law,” adding “I can assure you that, where judgments are to be made, I will make those judgments based solely on the law and I will not let personal, political or other improper interests influence my decision.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said in January that her vote on Barr’s nomination is contingent upon whether he will release the report publicly. 

“My vote really depends on whether I believe that that report will come out as written,” said Feinstein. “I served for a long time on the Intelligence Committee, and I know redaction can be excessive.”

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) – who has vowed to continue the investigation into President Trump’s finances and foreign connections for as long as it takes, pushed for the Mueller report to be made public.

“I think the report should be made public with only minimal redactions for national security,” Schiff said in January

via ZeroHedge News http://bit.ly/2S5bcui Tyler Durden

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