Rubino: “Gold Is Moving Back Into The Center Of The Global Financial System”

Via Greg Hunter’s,

Unemployment is near 3% and President Trump is calling for rate cuts and quantitative easing. Is the economy doing well or getting ready to tank?

Financial writer John Rubino says, “We went from being at all-time highs to down 20% in sort of a flash crash in two months towards the end of last year. That told the Fed and the other central banks that they can never tighten again…”

“This is it for this cycle and for the entire remaining time of today’s financial system for higher interest rates. They abruptly announced to never mind about those four rate hikes that were going to happen in 2019. We (the Fed) are not going to do anything. If we do anything, it will be in the opposite direction and cut interest rates and a new round of QE, etcetera and etcetera. The stock market went right back up to record levels…

The end part of this story is how good all this is for gold…

The next thing from the Fed will be a rate cut, and it will increase and not decrease its balance sheet… We are going to go preemptively to monetary easing, and that’s really new. This is very, very new. You normally don’t do this. You wait until you see a bear market and a slowdown in the economy that gets people laid off before you start aggressively easing. Apparently, we are going to do that stuff before that stuff starts happening. Who knows what the impact of that will be? If it works the way they want, more people will get hired, wages will pick up and we’ll have inflation in the 4% or 5% range before you know it.”

So, with near record low yields on bonds and near record high prices for stocks, Rubino has just one question. Rubino says, “What’s cheap? Gold and silver. What is down and what is cheap relative to the fundamentals...”

“It’s not just the price of gold and silver, it’s how much gold and silver exists relative to how much paper wealth is in the world. The amount of gold and silver that we are bringing out of the ground is growing at 1% or 2% per year. The amount of paper wealth in the world is growing exponentially…

Gold is moving back into the center of the global financial system.”

Another big factor to consider is debt. Rubino says, “Every big country is running deficits that are dramatically bigger than they were five years ago…”

“In the U.S., we are back to $1 trillion a year deficits, which is Obama Administration post Great Recession kind of numbers, and we are doing it 10 years into an expansion…

So, in the next recession, we will be taking on huge amounts of new debt at an accelerating rate. We are not fixing any of the mistakes…which mean the problems that are going to flow from today’s mistakes are going to be that much bigger because we are compounding yesterday’s mistakes. . . . This is new and scary and fascinating. From a safe distance, this is going to be very interesting to watch. Unfortunately, for most people, they will not be a safe distance. They will be right in the middle of the tornado.

In closing, Rubino says, “It is possible that a garden variety one year recession would blow up the financial markets…”

“That’s the stuff that they are hearing (in the White House) that is terrifying. . . . There are probably older and wiser people whispering in Trump’s ear who are saying the next equities bear market might be the end of the financial world for us…

They are so worried, they are willing to experiment with monetary policy again in order to prevent the crash that could make them this generation’s Herbert Hoover.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with John Rubino, founder of

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via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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