“Nine Centuries Of History Lost” – What Front Pages Said About Notre Dame Inferno

As millions of Europeans grappled with the notion that, in the span of just five hours, a devastating fire nearly destroyed more than 850 years of history after erupting in the attic of Paris’s cathedral of Notre Dame, newspapers in the UK and France went to the presses with the tragedy as the unchallenged lead story.

Most went to print before French President Emmanuel Macron revealed that the 400 firefighters working to combat the blaze had managed to save the interior of the structure. So they led with the impression that the cathedral was a total lost, as many had suspected.

Starting with the French papers, the catholic newspaper La Croix featured the headline “Le coeur en cendres” – heart in ashes.

In a city that has suffered several tragedies over the past few years, including terror attacks and civil unrest, Les Echos termed the fire “La tragédie de Paris” – the tragedy of Paris”.

Le Parisien’s headline is “Notre-Dame des Larmes” – Our lady of tears.

Le Figaro calls it “Le désastre” – the disaster.

Libération led with “Notre Drame” – Our tragedy.

Moving on to the UK, the Times of London wrote: “The Battle to save Notre Dame”.

The Daily Mail: “Nine centuries of history lost to an unholy inferno”.

The Daily Telegraph: “Paris weeps for its beloved lady.”

The Guardian: “Inferno devastates Notre Dame”.

The Sun: “Notre Doom”

The i led with: “Tragedy of Notre Dame”.

The Financial Times was one of a few papers to share space on it front page, devoting the lower half to a story about Goldman’s earnings.

The Express: “a nation weeps as inferno engulfs Notre Dame.”

Meanwhile, after the fire, Parisians wake up to a smoldering wreck.

via ZeroHedge News http://bit.ly/2v8Z7LA Tyler Durden

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