Twitter Suspends Another Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account

Twitter has, yet again, suspended a parody account of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This time, the account was @AOCOffice, following Twitter’s suspension of @AOCPress last month, which had 85,000 followers.

The new account had described itself as a parody account, per Twitter rules, stating: “Parody for Da Boss of NY-14 (Bronx + Queens)”. The account had over 29,000 followers. 

As some followers may have been confused as to whether or not the account was a parody, the @AOCOffice account had jokingly Tweeted in early May:

For those asking if this is a parody account, you can just step right off. If I was a white male nobody would be asking. It’s racist, full stop. Knock it off.

The original @AOCPress account was suspended on May 7 for “manipulating the conversation” despite having “parody” clearly marked in the account’s name. Its bio said: “I’m the boss… you mad bro (parody)”.

The founder of that account, Michael Morrison, also found his personal account – and its 50,000 followers – suspended. Twitter cancelled his account under its spam policy, which states that an account can be suspended “if you post duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account, or create duplicate or substantially similar accounts.”

As Mediaite pointed out, common Tweets from his account included things like:

  • If socialism doesn’t work then explain to me how Bernie Sanders has become a millionaire being a socialist.

  • Not only am I Christian, I’m actually more Christian than Jesus was.

  • In Venezuela they have hotdogs made from real dogs. Not some cheap knockoff like hear in the USA.

Morrison commented: 

“In the past month and a half alone, the account grew by roughly 50,000 followers. We’ve had tweets with over 30,000 likes on them, so I think Twitter decided it was time for [the account] to go.”

Maybe a better answer for @Jack and Twitter would be to spend less time policing the web and more time wondering why AOC is so easy to parody to begin with.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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