House Democrats Can’t Stop Tweeting And Deleting Obama-Era ‘Children In Cages’ Pics

House Democrats can’t seem to stop tweeting pictures of children sleeping in ‘cages’ during the Obama presidency. 

The Democratic-led House Oversight Committee on Wednesday tweeted a #resistance screed in anticipation of a hearing that afternoon on “Kids in Cages: Inhuman Treatment at the Border.” 

The Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) immediately called out the Democrats for using a photo from 2014, when Obama and Joe Biden were in the White House.


The daft Democrats quickly deleted the tweet, replacing it with another photo from Obama-era child detentionsThe second tweet was quickly deleted according to RT, and replaced with a picture of — nothing. 

In short, ‘It’s ok when we do it.’  


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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