Pelosi Says She’s Done Talking About Beef With AOC

Nancy Pelosi is subjecting insubordinate Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Ortez to the ‘Trump treatment’.

After AOC again attacked her in an interview with the Washington Post, Pelosi said during her regular press briefing on Wednesday that she is done talking in public about the New York City Congresswoman and her ‘girl gang’ of POC progressive lawmakers, the Hill reported.


Pelosi said she’d said what she wanted to say at a closed door caucus meeting, where she asked those in attendance to avoid attacking other party members with whom they don’t agree. The speaker shrugged off any offense that AOC, or the three other members of her ‘squad’, might have taken (for the record: that includes Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib and Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar.

Part of the impetus for Pelosi’s admonishment was a comment from AOC’s chief of staff comparing New Dems and Blue Dogs to pro-segregationist Southern Democrats.

“They took offense because I addressed, at the request of my members, an offensive tweet that came out of one of the members’ offices that referenced our Blue Dogs and our New Dems essentially as segregationists,” Pelosi said. “Our members took offense at that. I addressed that. How they’re interpreting and carrying it to another place is up to the.”
“But I’m not going to be discussing it any further,”
Pelosi said. “I said what I’m going to say.”

Though AOC clarified this week that she doesn’t think Pelosi is a racist or has ‘racial animus’, in the interview with the Post published Wednesday, AOC accused Pelosi of ‘singling out’ women of color.

“When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “But the persistent singling out…it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful…the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”

Pelosi said several Democrats had taken offense at the comment from AOC’s chief of staff, and asked her to do something to address it. Of course, this isn’t the first beef between Pelosi and arguably the only celebrity Democrat in the House. AOC kicked off her tenure in Congress by joining protests directed at Pelosi, and has repeatedly attacked more moderate Democrats for not backing Medicare for All and AOC’s green new deal.

And this likely won’t be their last spat, as AOC continues to drag the party further to the left, and into alignment with her socialist ideals. Pelosi explicitly rejected socialism and endorsed capitalism last year in a clip that was widely circulated by the fringe left. They will never forgive her for that.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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