Graham Gives Giuliani Senate Platform To Lay Out Biden-Ukraine Corruption Case

Graham Gives Giuliani Senate Platform To Lay Out Biden-Ukraine Corruption Case

While House Democrats gear up for kangaroo-court impeachment proceedings triggered by a whistleblower complaint over President Trump’s communications with Ukraine, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has invited Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani to explain allegations of rampant corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter in Ukraine. 

Joe Biden infamously bragged on tape last year about abusing his position as Vice President to force Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company which was paying Hunter Biden $600,000 to sit on its board. 

Democrats have gone to great lengths to avoid addressing this – and have instead launched impeachment proceedings after a CIA employee approached the House Intelligence Committee chaired Adam Schiff (D-CA), lawyered up with Democrat operatives, and then filed a whistleblower complaint using second-hand information on a recently changed form – the previous version of which explicitly prohibited anything but first-hand info.

The whistleblower and concurrent media reports claimed that President Trump pressured Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky to investigate the Bidens, however in a surprise move the White House released both a transcript of the call proving there was no pressure or quid pro quo. A release of the whistleblower complaint suggested it was written by a legal team, and several of its claims were proven false by the transcript. 

On Tuesday, Graham tweeted: “Have heard on numerous occasions disturbing allegations by @RudyGiuliani about corruption in Ukraine and the many improprieties surrounding the firing of former Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin,” adding “Given the House of Representatives’ behavior, it is time for the Senate to inquire about corruption and other improprieties involving Ukraine.” 

“Therefore I will offer to Mr. Giuliani the opportunity to come before the Senate Judiciary Committee to inform the committee of his concerns,” Graham concluded.  

In addition to allegations of malfeasance and profiteering by the Bidens, Giuliani is also looking into Democratic efforts to meddle in the 2016 US election in favor of Hillary Clinton.  In December of 2018, a Ukrainian court ruled thatUkraine’s Ukraine’s Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk “acted illegally” when he revealed the existence of Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s name in a “black ledger” containing off-book payments to Manafort by Ukraine’s previous administration. 

While the ruling against Sytnyk and Leshchenko was later overturned on a technicality, The Blaze obtained and translated recording of Sytnyk bragging about helping Clinton in the 2016 US election

In response to Graham’s offer, Giuliani told CNN “Love Lindsey, but I am still a lawyer and I will have to deal with privilege,” although “Given the nature of his invitation about my concerns I might be able to do it without discussing privileged information.” 

If and when Giuliani shows up, Kamala Harris appears ready to go full attack dog – with theatrics which haven’t been witnessed since last October’s anti-Kavanaugh performance. 

Tyler Durden

Tue, 10/08/2019 – 13:46


via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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