Sweden: One In Four Women Are Afraid To Leave Their Homes

Sweden: One In Four Women Are Afraid To Leave Their Homes

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

According to a new survey, almost a quarter of Swedish women are afraid to leave their homes over fears they will be attacked or sexually assaulted.

“15.3 percent of people aged 16 or older stated that they did not want to go out in the evening out of concern about being assaulted or threatened. Among women, the proportion was almost 25 percent,” reports Statistics Sweden.

As we reported back in August, sales of pepper spray in some areas of Sweden have surged as much as 90 per cent amidst concerns over the country’s rape problem.

After a string of four sexual assaults and rapes in the span of five nights, Swedish police in numerous cities advised women to not walk alone at night and to go home early.

Figures released last year found that 58 per cent of convicted rapists and 85 per cent of all convicted assault rapists in Sweden were born outside of Europe.

In cases where the victim did not know the attacker, the proportion of foreign offenders was more than 80 per cent. Nearly 40 per cent of the convicted rapists are from the Middle East or from Africa, areas of the world from which Sweden has accepted large numbers of migrants in recent years.

A study by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet found that 88 per cent of gang rapists in the Scandinavian country over the last six years have had a migrant background.

Other figures show that migrants from Muslim-majority nations commit 84 per cent of “very violent” rapes in Sweden.

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Tyler Durden

Wed, 10/09/2019 – 05:00

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2Vv7tcW Tyler Durden

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