Jimmy Carter Hospitalized For Brain Surgery

Jimmy Carter Hospitalized For Brain Surgery

Former President Jimmy Carter has been hospitalized tonight to undergo a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain caused by bleeding following his recent falls.

According to a statement the 95-year-old’s surgery is set to take place Tuesday morning at Emory University Hospital. The spokesperson said he was “resting comfortably,” with his wife, Rosalynn by his side.

Carter, the oldest former U.S. president, has had a number of health scares in recent years.

As CBS notes, in 2015, he announced he had been diagnosed with cancer that had spread to his liver and brain. 

In May 2019, he suffered another health setback when he fell and broke his hip. The fall left him with a black eye and 14 stitches – but he nevertheless attended the opening ceremony for a Habitat for Humanity build in Nashville along with Rosalynn, who is 92. 

Mr. Carter suffered two more falls in October 2019, and was hospitalized for a fractured pelvis. Less than two weeks after the fall, he said he planned to return to teaching Sunday school. 

In the Sunday school service that followed, Mr. Carter told attendees he’s “at ease with death.” 

Tyler Durden

Mon, 11/11/2019 – 22:05

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2pepeS4 Tyler Durden

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