“We Sail For Europe!” – Environmental Savior Greta Thunberg Sets Sail For Madrid Surrounded By Youtubing Disciples

“We Sail For Europe!” – Environmental Savior Greta Thunberg Sets Sail For Madrid Surrounded By Youtubing Disciples

Greta Thunberg is a lot of things: teenager, climate activist, social media darling. And soon she might add ‘YouTube creator’ to her resume.

Thanks to Chile’s decision to cancel a United Nations climate gathering scheduled for December, Greta Thunberg, who has apparently been living in the US since arriving in September on a carbon-neutral vessel, unable to fly home because it would betray her principles.

Since simply flying coach apparently isn’t an option, Thunberg put the word out on social media that she was looking for somebody to sail with her to Madrid, where the December UN conference is now being held because of the riots in Chile. And who should answer her call but a couple of YouTube-famous Australians who live aboard their low-carbon catamaran, “La Vagabonde”.

Riley Whitelum and Elayna Carausu are their names. And during their four-week journey – a journey that will only barely get them there in time for Greta to catch the end of the conference – we suspect that the couple and Greta will extensively document their journey via social media and YouTube, as they’ve been doing.

According to the Verge, the 40-foot catamaran in which they will be traveling is equipped with solar panels, a wind turbine, and hydro-generators, ensuring a “low carbon” journey.

Greta is clearly having a great time playing sailor.

Of course, by sailing across the Atlantic, one could argue that Greta is putting herself and others at risk. November isn’t the ideal month to sail across the North Atlantic. Hurricane season in the Atlantic runs from June to November.

Meanwhile, Thunberg is inviting her fans to follow her travels online.

Thunberg first became a sensation last year when she became the figurehead of the global school climate strike movement, where she encouraged kids to leave school en masse and take to the streets to demand their leaders do more to address climate change. She’s now apparently dedicating herself to traveling to every official ‘climate summit’ in search of a microphone to warn about the planet’s impending doom, and how it’s all the boomers’ fault.

Meanwhile in San Francisco, ground zero for virtue signaling hypocrite libs, they are painting murals in her honor (using “100% eco friendly” materials, which we find suspect).

Tyler Durden

Thu, 11/14/2019 – 16:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2KnDU8R Tyler Durden

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