Dozens Trapped After Chinese Hotel Used As ‘Coronavirus Quarantine Site’ Collapses

Dozens Trapped After Chinese Hotel Used As ‘Coronavirus Quarantine Site’ Collapses

A five-story hotel that was reportedly being used as a temporary Covid-19 quarantine site has collapsed in the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian on Saturday, state media reports. 

Emergency crews are frantically working to pull victims, who are apparently either all suspected or confirmed coronavirus cases, from the rubble. “23 people have been rescued as of 9pm local time. A total of 70 people were reportedly trapped under the collapsed building in Quanzhou, Fujian,” China’s People’s Daily reports.

Early video from hotel collapse aftermath shows a large area in which the building is reduced to ruble, with dozens of first responders combing through it.

Local media said a total of 70 people were trapped under the rubble, with rescue efforts still underway.

A shocking overhead photograph of the destroyed building shows the building seemed to collapse in on itself and no part of its remains standing

Overhead photograph from Quanzhou disaster site posted to social media.

The South China Morning Post has identified it as the Xinjia Hotel in Quanzhou. 

Reports SCMP, the hotel “collapsed just after 7pm, according to, an online news site operated by the official Fujian Daily.”

Local Chinese reports as well as international media are saying it was being used as a Covid-19 quarantine site. 

Casualties are expected to mount in the wake of the tragedy, however, dozens are still trapped under the rubble, with rescue efforts to continue through the night.

Image source: SCMP

Subsequent reports from the scene say at least 28 people have been rescued as of three hours after the hotel’s collapse.

Tyler Durden

Sat, 03/07/2020 – 09:57

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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