As Markets Plunge, A Literal “Dumpster Fire” Is Burning Around The Corner From The White House

As Markets Plunge, A Literal “Dumpster Fire” Is Burning Around The Corner From The White House

Does God have a sense of humor? It’s starting to look that way…

Several pedestrians commenting on social media in downtown Washington DC on Monday noted that an actual dumpster fire appeared to be burning at the corner of 14th and G Street, just around the way from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the most famous address in America.

Meanwhile, in a fit of pique, it appears President Trump has just seized on the ‘it’s just the flu’ line of reasoning, promising to be the latest in a string of messaging missteps from the president since the novel coronavirus arrived in the US.

It’s a literal dumpster fire to commemorate one ‘dumpster fire’ of a trading session.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 03/09/2020 – 10:58

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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