“Racist” Trump Again Refers To Covid-19 As “Chinese Virus” After ‘Unprecedented’ Retaliation From Beijing

“Racist” Trump Again Refers To Covid-19 As “Chinese Virus” After ‘Unprecedented’ Retaliation From Beijing

Yesterday, in an unprecedented move by the Chinese Communist Party, American reporters for the WSJ, Washington Post & NYT were permanently expelled from reporting in all of Greater China (except Taiwan) while other American journalists working in the country are being subjected to almost unworkable scrutiny.

Though the move was slated as retaliation for Trump limiting the number of Chinese nationals who can work for Chinese-funded media orgs in the US, it notably followed by just a few hours President Trump’s decision to double-down on his use of the phrase ‘Chinese Virus’ in a tweet.

Beijing took umbrage at Trump’s phrasing yesterday, slamming him for his ‘racist’ phrasing. Though as we pointed out, it’s more likely that Beijing objects because – as part of its propaganda push – it’s trying to convince its people that the virus actually originated in the US.

So, as President Trump offers his latest boilerplate assurances that Americans’ social safety net will be protected during this crisis (even as more Republican senators oppose his fiscal bailout package), the real focus is on his choice of words, showing that Trump’s agitation over the unexpected outbreak is boiling over.

Now he’s “tripling down” on calling it the “Chinese virus”, assuring Americans that “the onslaught of the Chinese Virus is not your fault! Will be stronger than ever!”

Of course, the tweets had zero impact on the market, as investors have largely adopted a “show me, don’t tell me” mentality, and will likely continue to hold positions overnight until that happens.

Interestingly, many American progressives have sided with the CCP over the president on this issue, echoing (perhaps unintentionally) Beijing’s talking points.

As epidemiologists have pointed out, many viruses and diseases have been named over their place of origin (remember “Ebola Zaire”?) And China seems to have no problem referring to its Swine Flu outbreak as the “African Swine Fever”. Is that racist, too?

At any rate, President Xi is speaking this morning. Will he call Trump out in the middle of an international crisis?

Tyler Durden

Wed, 03/18/2020 – 07:20

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2IUlQ4K Tyler Durden

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