Sanders Denies “Absolutely False” Axios Report He Is Suspending Campaign

Sanders Denies “Absolutely False” Axios Report He Is Suspending Campaign

Update (1200ET): Sanders’ campaign spokesman has denied the Axios report.

Hope we didn’t get your ‘Berxit’ hopes up.

*  *  *

The prayers of millions of Democrats hoping for party unity in a time of crisis have been answered.

Bernie Sanders has decided to suspend his campaign, Axios reports.

Bernie Sanders will move to “assess his campaign” after Joe Biden’s sweep of the Florida, Illinois and Arizona primaries, his campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, said in a statement Wednesday.

The big picture: Sanders trails Biden by almost 300 delegates, making it statistically improbable that he can catch up in the primary race, according to the New York Times.

  • Only around 40% of the delegates available in the race for the Democratic nomination remain.

What they’re saying: Shakir said Sanders is currently focused on the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic “and ensuring that we take care of working people and the most vulnerable.”


Tyler Durden

Wed, 03/18/2020 – 12:01

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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