South Korean Church Infects 46 Parishioners After Spraying Salt Water In Their Mouths To Prevent The Virus

South Korean Church Infects 46 Parishioners After Spraying Salt Water In Their Mouths To Prevent The Virus

A South Korean church is doing its part in helping humanity take two giant steps backward in fighting the coronavirus.

River Grace Community church in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, told its parishioners that they could help stop the spread of the virus by spraying salt water into their mouths. But the church used a spray bottle that it didn’t disinfect between people and instead wound up spreading the virus to 46 different people, according to the South China Morning Post.

Video out of the church shows a church official sticking the nozzle of the spray bottle deep into one person’s mouth after another. The pastor and his wife also became infected.

Lee Hee-young, head of Gyeonggi Province’s coronavirus task force said: “It’s been confirmed that they put the nozzle of the spray bottle inside the mouth of a follower who was later confirmed as a patient, before they did likewise for other followers as well, without disinfecting the sprayer. This made it inevitable for the virus to spread. They did so out of the false belief that salt water kills the virus.”

The church has since closed and everyone who attended the prayer session is being tested.

The new cases have motivated the South Korean government to work at identifying new clusters, especially in cities, even though it has slowed the virus in the country. 

South Korea said on Monday it had 74 new cases, which bring’s the country’s total to 8,236. The number of new cases was below 100 for the second day in a row, showing that the country is making progress in blunting the blow of the virus. 

Prime Minister Chung Sye Kyun said: “It is still too early to relax. The government will concentrate its efforts on preventing cluster infections.”

Lee concluded: “We again call for proactive participation by churches in preventing further spread of the virus, including changes to their ways of worshipping.”

Yeah. If you could go ahead and not physically remove the virus from one person’s mouth and place it into another’s. 

That’d be great. 




Tyler Durden

Tue, 03/17/2020 – 21:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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