“We Can Sh*t For 10 Years” – Dutch PM Mocks Toilet-Paper Shortage Rumors

“We Can Sh*t For 10 Years” – Dutch PM Mocks Toilet-Paper Shortage Rumors

With concerns rising in the Western world that toilet paper shortages have developed due to panic hoarding among consumers amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the prime minister in the Netherlands has reassured a fellow citizen that the country has at least a decade worth of the fluffy stuff, reported RT News.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was walking through a supermarket on Thursday when a shopper asked him if the country had enough toilet paper. Rutte’s response:

“There is also enough for the next 10 years throughout the Netherlands.”

“We have so much, we can sh*t for 10 years,” he added.

Rutte was visiting a local supermarket to show his support for workers amid these challenging times. He said earlier in the week, in a televised address to the nation, most residents would get COVID-19.

“There’s no easy message to you this evening… The reality is that a large part of the Dutch population will be infected by the coronavirus. That is what the experts are telling us.” 

He said a full lockdown of the country is unlikely as he wants to build “group immunity” while a vaccine could be 12-18 months away.

The Netherlands has confirmed 2,468 cases of the virus, including 77 deaths as of Friday morning.

Meanwhile, in America, Costco stores have run out of toilet paper.

As “shit has hit the fan,” some Americans have called 911 because they were out of toilet paper.

Maybe it’s time the Netherlands transfers some of their toilet paper stockpiles to America. We could use it…

Tyler Durden

Sat, 03/21/2020 – 08:45

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/2xZxr0r Tyler Durden

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