Stunning Photos Show Nature Reclaim An Abandoned Office Building

Stunning Photos Show Nature Reclaim An Abandoned Office Building

As George Carlin famously said while talking about environmentalists, “The Earth is going to be fine. It’s the people who are f*cked.”

That’s because nature eventually has its way with things and adapts. Sometimes it happens in a relatively short period of time, too. So while many are wondering what life will be like when they finally step foot back into their office after the coronavirus lockdown ends, pictures from last year have once again resurfaced of a German office building that’s been abandoned since 2014. The photos were featured on VCVTY, a blog that focused on photos of abandoned urban areas. 

Abandoned just six years, the office already looks as though it has given in to the elements. Water has entered the building…

Mold has taken over the walls and the ceiling, while much of the prior office equipment remains in place…

The company has turned into a “landscape of mold and mildew”, the blog notes, with moss even growing out of the walls.

“Since water has entered the building, moss and mold can multiply unhindered,” the description says. The combination of technology and the damage from nature is off-putting. The snacks of former workers remain on their desk. Files and volumes of notes and manuals remaining in their place. 

The main common areas of the building are also starting to show damage…

And with the coronavirus lockdown still in place and a vaccine not anticipated for another 12-18 months, could these be the photos coming soon to an office near you?

Tyler Durden

Tue, 04/21/2020 – 17:50

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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