Two British Men Arrested For Posting “Pubs Closed, Borders Open” Stickers

Two British Men Arrested For Posting “Pubs Closed, Borders Open” Stickers

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Two men in the UK were arrested on charges of racially aggravated offenses after they posted stickers related to the coronavirus outbreak which said “pubs closed, borders open.”

The stickers, another of which said “open border, virus disorder,” were posted on lamp posts, bins, bus stop signs and bollards around areas of Sheffield. They are believed to be the work of the Hundred-Handers group, described as “far right” by the BBC.

Police said two men, aged 20 and 22, were held on suspicion of racially aggravated public order offences and have now been released while investigations continue.

Local councillor Miskell said the stickers were an affront to diversity.

“This is absolutely disgusting and comes at a time where our diverse community is busy working together to tackle the virus,” he said.

“This sort of behaviour can damage community cohesion and relationships across the city. We’re all working together to try to combat the virus.”

Similar stickers have also been posted in other northern cities, including Leeds, York and Hull.

The stickers were deemed “racist” despite the fact that early border controls are what saved some countries from the worst of the coronavirus.

U.S. President Donald Trump also announced last night that America would be temporarily closing its borders to all immigration in order to fight COVID-19.

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Tyler Durden

Wed, 04/22/2020 – 03:30

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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