Martenson: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine “Controversy”

Martenson: Debunking The Hydroxychloroquine “Controversy”

Update (1005ET): Minutes after this post was created, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned patients against taking two malaria medications that have been talked up by President Trump for Covid-19, unless carefully monitored in a hospital or as part of a clinical trial.

The FDA said it was issuing the warning after reports that patients taking the drugs, especially in combination with the antibiotic azithromycin, had experienced heart issues.

“The FDA is aware of reports of serious heart rhythm problems in patients with Covid-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, often in combination with azithromycin,” the health agency said in the warning.

Additionally, the cost of hydroxychloroquine ingredients is soaring.

Cadila Healthcare managing director Sharvil Patel said contracts with Chinese suppliers of ingredients for hydroxychloroquine production had not been honored as they were signed and suppliers were asking to pay multiple times more, Financial Times reports, citing an interview with the executive.

Anhui Haihua Chemical Technology, a Chinese supplier of hydroxychloroquine ingredient m-chloroaniline, confirmed the product’s 375% price increase to about $26,840 a ton since the start of the year, FT says citing an identified official at the company

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The media’s now saying it doesn’t work. Is that actually true?

There sure has been a lot of recent press about how ineffective hydroxychloroquine is. That’s a real letdown given how promising it was thought to be.

But are the headlines true?

To answer that, Chris pulls up the original VA study all of the recent headlines are referencing. Well, it turns out, it’s based on quite poor “science”.

For example, it wasn’t randomized; by its own admission, hydroxychloroquine was given to sicker patients, closer to death, when we know HCQ works best when given early on. And zinc, a key component to its efficacy, wasn’t administered. Nor was azithromycin in a number of cases.

Right now, the “HCQ shows no benefit” claim appears more an intentional narrative than a science-backed finding. In fact, there is growing empirical evidence, notably in France and Costa Rica, that it can work amazingly well when applied under the right conditions.

For now, it seems we remain best served by keeping our eyes open and doing our own investigation versus relying on what the media is telling us.

To that end, Peak Prosperity will keep up our efforts and continue producing these videos for as long as needed.

Key your own mind sharp, research and think before taking action, and ask questions in the Comments section below if you’d like to tap the PP tribe’s expertise.

Oh, and as always, keep working on your garden.

Tyler Durden

Fri, 04/24/2020 – 10:16

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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