Pro-Refugee French Activist Murdered By Migrant He Was Sleeping With

Pro-Refugee French Activist Murdered By Migrant He Was Sleeping With

Tyler Durden

Fri, 05/15/2020 – 03:30

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

A pro-refugee activist in France was found dead at his home after being murdered by the same 20-year-old Afghan migrant he had been sleeping with.

63-year-old Jean Dussine was head of a group called Itinérance that helps vulnerable migrants. The activist also personally allowed some of the migrants to stay at his home.

According to Ouest France, Dussine was found dead at his home having been viciously beaten with an iron rod as he slept.

Dussine “was sleeping when [the alleged assailant], an Afghan migrant barely 20 years old, attacked him with an iron rod. He could not be revived,” reports Valeurs Actuelles.

The migrant, who cannot speak French, was taken into custody by police. Authorities are still trying to determine a motive for the killing.

“Sadly, a similar story took place last year where a promising medical student and pro-migrant activist, also from Normandy, was stabbed to death by a migrant she was reportedly housing,” reports National File.

Back in 2016, it was revealed that open borders activists were sleeping with refugees, some of them children, at the Calais migrant camp.

After he was anally raped by a Somalian migrant in 2016, Norwegian refugee activist Karsten Nordal Hauken said he felt ‘guilt and responsibility’ that the migrant was deported for his crime.

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via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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