Twitter Restricts Account Of Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell

Twitter Restricts Account Of Flynn Attorney Sidney Powell

Tyler Durden

Mon, 06/29/2020 – 09:54

Twitter has restricted the account of Michael Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell.

Trying to access Powell’s account (@SidneyPowell1) results in a warning which reads “Caution: This account is temporarily restricted” due to “unusual activity.” Users can then bypass the message and access Powell’s account.

It is unclear if this restriction began before or after she retweeted an article from The Federalist calling for conservatives to fight back against Black Lives Matter and its “radical agenda” which have resulted in “angry mobs pulling down statues, taunting police, attacking passersby, and taking over entire city blocks.”

Powell’s involvement Flynn’s case changed the fate of the retired general, who – under advisement from his prior legal counsel from Eric Holder’s law firm – pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his interactions with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition.

Powell fought to force the government to release exculpatory evidence which revealed that rogue agent Peter Strzok overrode the agency’s recommendation to close the Flynn case – instead launching a ‘perjury trap’ against the former Trump adviser.

As a result, the Justice Department dropped its case against Flynn. The judge in the case, Emmet Sullivan, would not accept the DOJ’s request and instead called on a 3rd party judge to outline why Flynn should still be prosecuted. Last week, the Second Court of Appeals for DC ordered Sullivan to drop the matter.

All thanks to Sidney Powell.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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