Air Force One Almost Hit By Small Drone As It Landed In DC

Air Force One Almost Hit By Small Drone As It Landed In DC

Tyler Durden

Mon, 08/17/2020 – 18:10

It’s emerging on Monday that Trump’s plane had a near-miss with a small drone on Sunday as it approached Washington DC for landing.

Multiple people on board Air Force One reported seeing a yellow and black device flying nearby, said to be shaped like a cross, which came just off the right side of the aircraft soon before touching down at 5:54pm.

Air Force One, file image: AP

President Trump was returning from his golf club in Bedminster New Jersey when it happened.

Several reporters traveling as part of the press pool were eyewitnesses, with Senior Bloomberg News correspondent Jennifer Jacobs commenting just after landing that “Multiple people on AF1 saw what appeared to be a drone just below the plane as we were descending toward Joint Base Andrews. We came very close to hitting it.”

The AFP’s Sebastian Smith was the first eyewitness to report it, saying the object came “remarkably close to the president’s plane” and that it “resembled a drone”.

The Secret Service didn’t comment, according to Bloomberg but it typically doesn’t acknowledge active investigations.

It’s the second major security incident involving Andrews Air Force Base and its sensitive high-secured aircraft with the month.

Last week an Air Force helicopter on a training exercise out of Andrews was shot at from the ground while flying near Mannassas, Virginia. A pilot was injured and forced to make an emergency landing. The FBI has since been searching for the shooter and it remains unknown whether it was intentional.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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