Trump Leads Biden At The Bookies Amid Surge In Black Americans’ Support

Trump Leads Biden At The Bookies Amid Surge In Black Americans’ Support

Tyler Durden

Wed, 09/02/2020 – 07:45

The trend we have been noting for the last week has accelerated overnight and ‘the streams have crossed’, with the average bookie now seeing it more likely that President Trump wins the 2020 election that Joe Biden.

Source: RealClearPolitics

This huge swing comes as Summit News’ Paul Joseph Watson notes that the results of a new national poll reveal that a stunning 28 per cent of black Americans plan on voting for President Donald Trump.

The Atlas Intel poll finds that Biden leads Trump nationally by just three points.

But the real story lies in the percentage of Hispanic and black voters who told the pollsters that they will vote for Trump.

According to the survey, 28 per cent of African-Americans say they plan to vote for Trump, a stunning figure.

29 per cent of black Americans also approve of the job Donald Trump is doing.

This compares to 2016 when Trump attracted 8 per cent of the black vote while Hillary Clinton captured 89 per cent. Joe Biden is down to 66 per cent of the black vote, according to the poll.

Amongst Hispanics, Trump is up 13 points on the 2016 (41%), while Biden is down 10 per cent (56%).

The reason behind the surge in black support for Trump could be the fact that the Black Lives Matter movement seems to be backfiring after 3 straight months of violent riots and unrest.

As we highlighted earlier, a separate poll found that Trump’s support amongst African-Americans has doubled since 2016, although the results of the Atlas Intel poll blows even that figure out of the water.

Activist Candace Owens, who has led the ‘Blexit’ campaign to convince black Americans to get off the Democratic reservation, appears to have achieved a stunning success.

And finally, it appears Democrats may be preparing for just such a scenario, as a top Democratic data and analytics firm told “Axios on HBO” it’s highly likely that President Trump will appear to have won – potentially in a landslide – on election night, even if he ultimately loses when all the votes are counted. 

“We are sounding an alarm and saying that this is a very real possibility, that the data is going to show on election night an incredible victory for Donald Trump,” Hawkfish CEO Josh Mendelsohn said.

“[but], when every legitimate vote is tallied and we get to that final day, which will be some day after Election Day, it will in fact show that what happened on election night was exactly that, a mirage.”

We suspect the social unrest will go to ’11’ should such an event occur.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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