Kyle Rittenhouse’s Legal Team Bolsters ‘Self-Defense’ Case In New Viral Footage

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Legal Team Bolsters ‘Self-Defense’ Case In New Viral Footage

Tyler Durden

Thu, 09/24/2020 – 17:40

This week Kyle Rittenhouse’s defense team published never-before-seen footage from the deadly Kenosha shooting which drove headlines after the Aug.25 incident, which came amid chaos in rioting two nights following the Jacob Blake police-related shooting.

The new clips are featured in an eleven-minute video reconstructing events of that night. While protecting business from looting and arson, the 17-year old shot three attackers, at least one of which brandished a handgun. Two were killed and a third was injured.

A crucial new scene in the video is featured at the 3:57 mark, showing the moment Rosenbaum rushed Rittenhouse and appearing to try and grab his rifle. In those fateful seconds someone else in the nearby crowd fired a pistol, the flash from the barrel of which is visible. After being published on YouTube Tuesday albeit with a restricted ‘viewer warning’ notice, it’s already garnered about 600,000 views:

FOX’s Tucker Carlson also brought attention to the new footage this week on his prime time show, while discussing the multiple felony charges Rittenhouse is facing – despite the clear appearance he acted in self-defense. The charges include:

  • first-degree intentional homicide 
  • first-degree reckless homicide
  • attempted first-degree intentional homicide,
  • possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18,
  • first-degree reckless endangerment.

Here’s how Carlson introduced the segment on his show Tuesday night:

“His attorneys argue that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Prosecutors in Wisconsin charged him with first-degree murder,” host Tucker Carlson said, “but what is the truth about what happened that night?”

Carlson noted that Rittenhouse had been volunteering with a small group to remove graffiti from a local high school hours before he reportedly went to protect Kenosha businesses from being vandalized…

“That was the day that he found himself in downtown Kenosha in the middle of a riot,” Carlson said. “He wound up face-to-face with a convicted child molester called Joseph Rosenbaum, apparently committing arson.”

“Kyle Rittenhouse fired four shots initially that night,” Carlson added. “Another four were fired. We still don’t know who fired them, no one else has been arrested or charged.”

Seconds prior to shots being fired, Rittenhouse ran toward a building with a fire extinguisher, apparently trying to put out a blaze started by rioters, at which point Rosenbaum gave chase.

With more riots unfolding in various cities, especially in Louisville where two police officers have already been shot Wednesday night, the Rittenhouse case and its outcome could have huge repercussions in future instances of armed citizens attempting to protect businesses from mobs, looters, and arsonists. It could perhaps be a scene that unfolds more and more as in some cases police are increasingly forced to retreat from some city sectors amid the mayhem.

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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