Donate Today To Support Reason’s Journalism

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Welcome to Reason‘s annual webathon week, where we ask you to support the work we do here at the magazine of free minds and free markets. 

Listen, we know this has been a helluva year for everyone. Together we weathered a bruising pandemic, an election, street protests, policy fights, and confirmation battles. Reason has been no exception to the tumult of 2020. This year has actually been a monster traffic year for us, with a huge spike in readership, viewership, and listenership. People came to Reason for the broadsides of Nick Gillespie and J.D. Tuccille, the epidemiological insights of Jacob Sullum and Ronald Bailey, the wonkery of Christian Britschgi and Eric Boehm, the investigative criminal justice reporting of C.J. Ciaramella and Elizabeth Nolan Brown, the sober legal analysis of Damon Root and the folks at The Volokh Conspiracy, the comedy stylings of Remy and the Bragg brothers, the visual storytelling of Zach Weissmueller and Jim Epstein, and much, much more from the rest of the Reason crew.

But thanks to the shenanigans of the 2020 economy, more people consuming our stuff doesn’t necessarily translate into more money to make that stuff. That’s where you come in. Kicking in whatever cash you can spare—truly, anything helps—means Reason can keep making the stuff you love, whether it’s is our award-winning print magazine, our online stories, our many email newsletters, our array of podcasts, our videos, or our presence in your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds.

Our goal is $200,000 this year, and we hope you’ll contribute. Besides the satisfaction of supporting a worthy cause (plus the extra satisfaction of knowing you are sticking it to the taxman with your deductible donation), there’s some pretty good swag, including a bookmark designed by Reason contributor editor and cartoonist Peter Bagge, a 2021 calendar filled with weird and important dates in the history of freedom from the fevered brains of Meredith and Austin Bragg, autographed books, an (optional) shoutout on Facebook or Twitter, tickets to Reason events, or even lunch with an editor (pick me!) if your pants are especially fancy.

If you need an extra nudge to donate right now, on this Giving Tuesday: Donating this very moment will make your popups go away for the duration of the webathon, so you get more bang for your buck if you give ASAP.

This webathon week, you’ll also have a chance to ask Reason editors anything! We’ll be recording a special edition of The Reason Roundtable where we’ll do our best to answer listener questions of all kinds. Send your queries about life, the universe, and everything to by the end of the day for a chance to be included. Ask Nick Gillespie for hair tips. Ask Matt Welch for…hair tips! Ask Peter Suderman for hair tips? Ask me for, well, you know.

On a more serious note: Your donations make the work we do at Reason possible. If you already support Reason, thank you. If you’re thinking about becoming a donor for the first time, thank you. This year has been absolutely wild. We hope that we played a small part in helping you get through it, and that you might consider returning the favor now.

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