As Biden Prepares To Wage War On NRA, Gun Sales Erupt

As Biden Prepares To Wage War On NRA, Gun Sales Erupt

President-elect Joe Biden declared last week that he would “defeat” the National Rifle Association (NRA) while in office. The war on the NRA by Democrats will start in six days when Biden becomes president, which means the Second Amendment to the US Constitution will be under the greatest assault in its existence, according to Just The News.

Biden’s official Twitter account last Friday, responded to former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was wounded in a shooting rampage in Tucson in 2011, said:

“I pledge to continue to work with you – and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country—to defeat the NRA and end our epidemic of gun violence.”

What’s coming down the pipe under a Biden presidency are likely bans on the manufacture and sale of so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. People could even be limited to the number of firearms and ammo they can buy in a given period. 

Even Biden’s presidential website says: 

“As president, Joe Biden will defeat the NRA again.” 

Meanwhile, Americans panic hoarded guns in 2020, according to the FBI’s latest firearm statics. 2020 was a record-breaking year with a 39.9% increase in FBI firearm background checks. 

FBI Firearm Background Checks (Monthly) 

The panic grab for guns and ammo began in March/April when the virus pandemic and economic crash triggered the first wave.

Then the second wave of buying occurred in the summer during social unrest sparked by the police killing of George Floyd. With a transition of power from gun-friendly Republicans to gun-hating Democrats, the next wave of buying should be underway before bans or restrictions come into law. 

Last year, a total of 39,695,315 completed background checks – up from 28,369,750 in 2019 – the year marked the most firearm checks in history, since the FBI began recording firearm sales in 1998.

FBI Firearm Background Checks (Annual) 

Nine of the top ten highest firearm-check weeks occurred last year during the heights of the pandemic and social unrest. 

During President Trump’s “Stop The Steal” campaign, firearm background checks rose in December due to the threat Biden could become president. 

TMZ interviewed gun shops in 20 US cities this week. What they found was at least half of the gun shops reported a “substantial increase in sales of firearms and ammunition since pro-Trump insurrectionists stormed the Capitol Building on January 6.”

Readers may recall, the panic hoarding of weapons and ammo led to multiple shortages this year. There were points where ammo prices spiked to outright insane levels; nevertheless, trying to find 9mm bullets were nearly impossible. 

Ammo scarcity forced a massive surge in internet searches on how to reload ammo – because since ammo was in limited supply, people felt obligated that they had to make their own. 

It wouldn’t shock us if Biden were to ban 80% lowers and ghost guns in his first term. 

The Second Amendment is under attack. There are five million NRA members, and tens of millions of gun owners that will be very unhappy if Biden starts restricting or banning guns and ammo.  

Tyler Durden
Thu, 01/14/2021 – 18:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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