CNN Medical Propagandist: Kids In Schools Need Industrial Grade Masks, Weekly Tests

CNN Medical Propagandist: Kids In Schools Need Industrial Grade Masks, Weekly Tests

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

CNN’s resident fear monger medical “expert” Dr. Leana Wen declared Tuesday that children returning to school need to be forced to wear industrial grade face masks and should be subjected to weekly COVID tests until they are fully vaccinated.

“This is now one of the most dangerous times in the pandemic when it comes to children because we have the more contagious Delta variant, we have surges, and we have so adults many letting down their guard, not wearing masks, not getting vaccinated. That’s contributing to this really dangerous environment for children,” Wen declared.

“That said, we do know what it takes to get our children back in school safely,” she continued, referring to forcing kids into face masks.

“We also know that it requires layers. So when we remove a layer, for example, we remove the layer of distancing because we can’t get kids back in school in-person full time if we still keep six feet instancing, but if we remove that layer, then indoor masking becomes even more important universal making,” Wen further proclaimed.

She also claimed that the “type of mask also matters, N95 or K95 if the children are able to tolerate that, if not at least a three-ply surgical mask.”

Wen further emphasised that “cloth masks are not enough.”

She added that “improved ventilation and very importantly, testing as well. We should at least be having weekly testing for all the unvaccinated children and staff. Putting all that together is how we can get kids back in school safely.”


This is interesting because when Senator Rand Paul pointed out that cloth masks are useless, citing two peer reviewed scientific papers, he was attacked by leftists, and censored by YouTube.

Yet here is Wen admitting the same thing, they don’t work, albeit using the fact to advocate forcing children to wear stronger masks that it is recommend adults do not wear for prolonged periods because they severely impair breathing.

So when Rand Paul says cloth masks don’t work, it’s anti-science. But when CNN’s “expert” says the same thing, it’s pro-science and should be applauded?

Given that it’s now well established that vaccinated people can still spread the virus, there is no evidence to wholly blame the “surge” of the delta variant on unvaccinated people.

Wen is merely continuing her narrative of attempting to frame the unvaccinated as second class citizens who should face discrimination.

During a previous appearance on CNN, Wen asserted that, “It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” calling on workplaces and schools to start making life difficult for those who refuse to take the shot.

Last week, Wen declared that “we can’t trust the unvaccinated,” and everybody should still be wearing masks.”

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Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/11/2021 – 19:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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