Kamala To The Rescue: VP Harris Heads To Munich To Join Security Talks While Biden Stays Home

Kamala To The Rescue: VP Harris Heads To Munich To Join Security Talks While Biden Stays Home

As Biden Administration continues to insist that a Russian attack on Ukrainian territory is just days away, the Biden Administration has decided to dispatch VP Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ real ‘power behind the thrown’, on a ‘peace mission’ to Europe.

Harris is traveling to attend the Munich Security Conference. But back home, Harris’s political rivals mocked her: with Rep. Tim Burchett, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, telling Newsmax: “I doubt [Putin’s] sitting back at the Kremlin right now shaking because Kamala Harris is over there.”

“She couldn’t pour something out of a boot if there were instructions written on the heel,” Burchett added. “She can’t even find our southern border, much less the Ukrainian border. This is a joke, this is a travesty.”

Read more below:

Since March, Harris has been in charge of overseeing another border crisis – with less-than-stellar results. As the NY Post points out, the illegal immigration crisis on America’s southern border has only gotten worse: with a record-breaking 1.9M arrests in 2021. Critics blame lax Biden Administration enforcement policies, with Sen. Marsha Blackburn tweeting the following.

After arriving in Europe, Harris will meet with the leaders of the three Baltic nations: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Then on Saturday, she’s expected to make a speech about the Ukraine crisis. At some point, she’s also expected to sit down with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Meanwhile, White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed on Thursday that Biden’s trip to Ohio would not distract from his focus on Ukraine (not that it takes much time to repeat the same tired and unsupported allegations about ‘false flag attacks’).

Over in Ukraine, most denizens of the country’s east, close to two rebel-held border areas, told the AFP that they don’t expect Putin’s armies to invade, citing the deep and longstanding cultural and political ties between the two nations. If Putin was so dead-set on conquest, then why hasn’t he attacked already?

In other news, Secretary of State Antony Blinken will speak with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, next week – news that helped calm anxious US financial markets when it first broke last night.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 02/18/2022 – 09:35

via ZeroHedge News https://ift.tt/XtQRMPH Tyler Durden

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