Saudis Launch Retaliation Strikes On Yemen As Houthi Missiles Threaten Nearby Formula 1 Race

Saudis Launch Retaliation Strikes On Yemen As Houthi Missiles Threaten Nearby Formula 1 Race

Saudi state sources on Saturday said the Saudi coalition thwarted another attempted Houthi attack on oil tankers off Yemen’s coast. SPA said Saudi forces have destroyed explosive-laden boats which were being prepared for an “imminent attack on oil tankers” in Yemen’s Saleef port and Hodeidah port.

At least four “weaponized boats” belonging to the “Iran-banked Houthis” were neutralized, according Saudi military statements. It’s part of an ongoing retaliation operation following Friday’s major missile and drone attack against several oil and infrastructure sites in the kingdom’s south, which set a large fire at a Jeddah Aramco facility.

AFP/Getty: Saudi Aramco oil facility in Jeddah following a reported attack by Yemeni rebels.

The response has included ramped up airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition against sites in Yemen. SPA said the coalition is protecting global oil security and shipping during the operation, as the Yemen war has reached seven years this week.

“The Coalition cited protection of global energy sources as reason for the military operation, affirming that it will directly target hostile agents and avoid civilians and oil facilities,” state-run SPA reported. “It added that it has practiced self-restraint in response to the recurring Houthi militia attacks on oil facilities, saying that the military operation is in its preliminary phases and will go on until it accomplishes its objectives.”

The Saudi military said it’s launched fresh airstrikes against “threatening agents” that are “being executed in Sanaa and Hodeidah governorates.” A Houthi military spokesman had confirmed in statement that the Yemeni rebel group was behind Friday’s wave of attacks.

The Saudi energy ministry had meanwhile said the kingdom will “not be held responsible” for any shortage of oil supplies to global markets caused by the attacks, which in the past weeks have ramped up.

The Houthi missiles have threatened Jeddah’s second ever major Formula Grand Prix event…

“Drivers continued to practice Friday night even as the smoke billowed in the distance,” according to reports. Amid the alarm that the inbound missiles caused, it was determined the race will go on: “The decision to race was made only after an hours-long meeting where several drivers shared serious safety concerns with organizers, according to reports.”

Tyler Durden
Sat, 03/26/2022 – 12:40

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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