Biden’s Disturbing Speech Outside Independence Hall

Biden speech in front of Independence Hall Philadelphia

In this week’s The Reason Roundtable, editors Katherine Mangu-Ward, Matt Welch, Peter Suderman, and Nick Gillespie discuss President Joe Biden’s speech last week in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia as well as energy policy in California.

1:47: Biden’s speech in Philadelphia

25:42: Energy policy in California

33:18: Weekly Listener Question:

Whenever I am having a conversation with a die-hard Trump cultist for long enough, I ask the question “Why? Why do you love him so much? What did he actually do for you? He didn’t follow through on any campaign promises. He went the opposite direction on several.” If I’m speaking with someone who has a more nuanced response than “He talks shit to the people I don’t like,” it’s something like, “He did a lot of deregulation,” but they can never name anything specific that was deregulated.

I know Trump did lead some deregulation, but I’m not sure how much made a big difference. I started thinking about the deregulation under Jimmy Carter that I do know about. Everything from airlines to beer brewing. So now, my question is: “Is it possible that Jimmy Carter did more and better deregulation than Donald Trump, and how could we measure this?”

44:47: This week’s cultural recommendations.

Mentioned in this podcast:

In Philadelphia, Joe Biden Peddled a Competing Brand of Authoritarianism,” by J.D. Tuccille

Biden’s Presidential Address Was Actually a Campaign Speech,” by Elizabeth Nolan Brown

Trump Disregards Democracy, While Biden Ignores Its Dangers,” by Jacob Sullum

California Legislators Vote To Keep Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant Running,” by Ronald Bailey

In a Belated Outburst of Rationality, Germany Decides To Keep Three Nuclear Plants Open,” by Ronald Bailey

Debts Forgiven and Debts Forgotten,” by Nick Gillespie

President Biden’s job approval, according to RealClear Politics.

What Capitalism Gets Right – and Governments Get Wrong,” a TED Talk by Katherine Mangu-Ward

Send your questions to Be sure to include your social media handle and the correct pronunciation of your name.

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Audio production by Ian Keyser

Assistant production by Hunt Beaty

Music: “Angeline,” by The Brothers Steve

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