No, Corporate CEOs are Not Heroes

I warned everybody about this in several posts last week. How some of the worst cretins rummaging around the carcass of American freedom and democracy instantaneously began salivating ferociously at the opportunity to look heroic by coming out in opposition to a grossly exaggerated Nazi threat hyped up by the corporate media. The events in Charlottesville presented such a tremendous opportunity for sleazy people in power to preposterously frame themselves as “speaking truth to power,” I knew they’d milk it for all it’s worth. Days later, and they’re still doing it.

Of course, the “journalists” of corporate media, i.e., public relations stenographers for billionaires, are doing everything they can to push this ridiculous narrative. Unsurprisingly, The New York Times has helped lead the charge, with David Gelles penning an article on Saturday that has to be one of the most revolting pieces of shameless propaganda ever composed in the english language.

The article, titled The Moral Voice of Corporate America, should be etched in stone and thrown into time capsule so generations hundreds of years from now can accurately comprehend just how absurdist things had become by mid-2017 — the waning years of the hopelessly stupid American empire. A time when everybody enthusiastically lost their minds in a manic and desperate effort to avoid stark reality.

Although the article is legitimately unreadable, as students of how the media manipulates the attitudes of the general public, we can’t simply ignore it. I’ll limit my use of excerpts, as I genuinely feel nauseous sharing any of it. The first few paragraphs show you all you need to see.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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