The Youth Are Our Future – The Challenges of Raising Free Thinking Minds

Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 1.06.09 PMWhen recent headlines range from a women going to jail for not mowing her lawn, to the tracking technology embedded in each of our cell phones, you can get easily depressed and discouraged simply by being aware of the world you live in.

I remember when I first announced that my wife and I were expecting a child. I received a multitude of angry feedback from my YouTube channel subscribers about how it is reckless to bring a child into this world. My response then, as it is now, is that we should never allow the oligarchs to dictate or alter our life choices. You choose your destiny; not JP Morgan, not the FED, and not the bloated bureaucrats in D.C.

Looking back 3 kids later, I am very happy my children are in this world with me.

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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