Liberty Links 2/12/16

Below are links to some of the more interesting and important reads I came across today, but will not be publishing on in detail.

Hillary Is the Candidate of the War Machine (Excellent read, Huffington Post)

Bernie Sanders-Supporting PAC Wants Superdelegates to “Follow the Will of Voters” (Reason)

Ahead of Debate, Liberal Groups Challenge Clinton to List Candidates for Treasury Secretary, Attorney General (Washington Post)

Bernie Sanders Sweeps Online Polls After Dominating Sixth Democratic Debate (Huffington Post)

Sanders Raises $7.1 Million After New Hampshire Win (Bloomberg)

Bernie Sanders Outpaces Hillary Clinton in Silicon Valley Contributions (Biz Journal)

Yanis Varoufakis on Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and Europe (YouTube video)

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from Liberty Blitzkrieg

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