Bitcoin Value Tops $1,000, Joe Biden Is Our Man in Asia, Judge Orders Hot Sauce Factory to Stink Less: P.M. Links

  • Just think of all the drugs you can buy!The value of a bitcoin topped
    at Mt. Gox for the first time today.
  • To ease tension between China and other Asian nations over
    disputed ownership of some South China Seas Islands, the United
    States will be sending …
    Joe Biden
  • A judge has ordered a
    Sriracha chili sauce factory
    in California to stop whatever
    operations are causing neighbors to complain about the smell, but
    stopped short of ordering the whole thing shut down.
  • A British couple has lost its fight with the UK Supreme Court
    deny a room to a gay couple
    at their bed and breakfast because
    of their religious objections to sex outside of marriage. They were
    ordered to pay damages.
  • Three have been killed in Sao Paoli, Brazil, after a
    crane collapsed at one of the stadiums
    being built for next
    summer’s World Cup.
  • A Democratic Colorado state senator targeted for recall over
    her vote for the passage of gun control laws has
    announced her resignation
    . If she fought the recall and lost,
    Democrats would have lost control of the state senate. This method
    will allow Democrats to choose her replacement until the next

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from Hit & Run

J.D. Tuccille on Sex, Drugs, and Sociology

J.D. Tuccille reviews Floating City: A Rogue
Sociologist Lost and Found in New York’s Underground Economy
The book is a memoir of sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh’s years
spent penetrating New York City’s vast underground economy, with an
emphasis on cocaine and sex. Black markets have always existed to
provide goods and services that people want and that governments
don’t want them to have, says Tuccille. Floating City is a
fascinating glimpse at just how adaptable and real those markets

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Biden To Visit Asia Amid Heightened Tensions

On December 2, Vice President Joe
Biden will head to Asia. The news of the visit comes amid rising
tensions between China and Japan regarding sovereignty over a group
of small uninhabited islands. The ongoing dispute over the islands,
referred to in China as the Diaoyu Islands and in Japan as the
Senkaku Islands, recently intensified when China announced the
introduction of an air defense zone that covers the islands.
According the
, the Chinese government has said that any planes within the
zone “must obey its rules or face “emergency defensive

Since the introduction of the zone two unarmed American B-52
bombers have flown over the disputed islands. The
Chinese defense ministry
has said that the planes were

Commercial Japanese planes
the rules relating to the newly introduced zone,
ignoring Chinese authorities while flying through it.

The BBC has a map outlining the extent of the new Chinese
defense zone, shown below (the Chinese Defense Ministry and
the EIA are credited):

Yes, the islands that are the cause of all the recent fuss are
so small they cannot be seen on the map. Put together, the islands
have an area of less than three square miles. 

More from on China here

from Hit & Run

Ill. Lawmakers Reach Deal on State Pension Crisis

Expect to be surrounded by union protesters in 10, 9, 8 ...It’s too soon to see if there’s
anything for Illinois taxpayers to be thankful about, but lawmakers
on both sides of the aisle in Democrat-controlled Illinois have
announced a deal to manage the state’s massive unfunded pension
From the Chicago Tribune

Top Illinois legislators said today they’ve reached agreement on
a plan to deal with the state’s worst-in-the-nation unfunded public
pension liability and expect to vote on it next week.

Details of the measure were unclear today and its prospects of
passing remained  uncertain. But both Democratic and
Republican leaders said they agreed on a proposal, the first such
sign of progress in more than two years of discussions spurred by a
continued downgrading of the state’s credit rating.

The debate has centered on how to reduce costs while balancing
the legal protections to public employee retiree benefits laid out
in the state constitution. The public employee unions have
repeatedly threatened to challenge in court any pension proposal
that lacked their support, and they were quick to criticize today’s

Though the Tribune doesn’t have full access of the
deal’s contents, here’s what they were told:

[Senate Republican leader Christine] Radogno said the proposal
would save about $160 billion and the goal is to fully fund the
pension system over the next 30 years.

The proposal would raise retirement ages, create an optional
401(k)-styled plan and scale back the cost-of-living increases.

Increasing the retirement age, now set at various levels based
on the type of work, would impact the youngest workers the most.
Younger workers could see up to five years added to their
retirement ages, Radogno said.

The cost-of-living adjustments would be altered “to be sure that
the lower-paid, longest-serving employees have the biggest
protection,” said Radogno.  It would be largely patterned
after a provision she pushed and was included in a bill that
Speaker Michael Madigan passed in the House.

Union officials, despite not knowing what’s in the full plan
yet, put out a statement that the proposal was unfair and
unconstitutional. Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn supports the plan.

There will be a special one-day session on Dec. 3 to vote on the
proposal. The Tribune notes that the date of the vote
comes the day after the filing deadline for the March 2014 primary.
Suggested, but not stated outright: Democrats will know if they’re
going to face union-funded primary challengers before they

from Hit & Run

PTC cop report: Move along, nothing to see here

Consultants: No major problems in PTC Police Department; no complaints from female officers; pay is an issue

A consulting firm’s detailed evaluation of the Peachtree City Police Department revealed that while statistics show the department is very effective in its law enforcement duties, low morale is an issue among some employees.

The report, conducted by Matrix Consulting Group at the behest of City Manager Jim Pennington, is based on an anonymous survey of 40 of the department’s 72 employees along with a detailed analysis of statistical data and staffing levels.

read more

via The Citizen

Record Dow, Nasdaq, S&P, Russell, Bitcoin And US Debt

Volumes – expectedly – were extremely light and so, we all know what that means: a dash for trash meltup. NASDAQ keeps powering ahead as the S&P and Dow recover from yesterday afternoon's cliff dive. Trannies now up 13.3% off the debt-ceiling lows 5 weeks ago… sure, why not. "Most shorted" names outperformed once again but it seems investors, while not wanting to sell, are happy to bid for protection as VIX diverges. Credit markets also diverged bearishly today. Stocks disconnected (a la yesterday) from JPY carry briefly but rapidly caught up in the low volume churn. Bonds leaked higher in yield (unch on the week now); the USD pushed higher after Europe's close (back to unch on the week); but inventories and USD strength weighed on oil prices and precious metals limped modestly lower.


NASDAQ is playing catch-up to the Trannies…


The "most shorted" names continue to push higher on momentum from yesterday's major squeeze after the attempt to sell on Monday…


Another day of divergence and convergence with JPY carry trades – this time sellers banged higher by the carry arbs…


VIX has been relatively well bid for the last week as managers appear loathe to sell but desirous of protection (VIX is notably rich relative to realized vol)…


Credit markets diverged notably on the day…


Oil slumped and commodities in general slid lower…


The USD rallied back to unch on the week led by notably JPY (and AUD) weakness…



Finally, putting everything into perspective, US Federal debt joined the party, obviously, and just printed at a fresh all time high of just over $17.2 trillion


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Charts: Give Thanks…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Record Dow, Nasdaq, S&P, Russell, Bitcoin And US Debt

Volumes – expectedly – were extremely light and so, we all know what that means: a dash for trash meltup. NASDAQ keeps powering ahead as the S&P and Dow recover from yesterday afternoon's cliff dive. Trannies now up 13.3% off the debt-ceiling lows 5 weeks ago… sure, why not. "Most shorted" names outperformed once again but it seems investors, while not wanting to sell, are happy to bid for protection as VIX diverges. Credit markets also diverged bearishly today. Stocks disconnected (a la yesterday) from JPY carry briefly but rapidly caught up in the low volume churn. Bonds leaked higher in yield (unch on the week now); the USD pushed higher after Europe's close (back to unch on the week); but inventories and USD strength weighed on oil prices and precious metals limped modestly lower.


NASDAQ is playing catch-up to the Trannies…


The "most shorted" names continue to push higher on momentum from yesterday's major squeeze after the attempt to sell on Monday…


Another day of divergence and convergence with JPY carry trades – this time sellers banged higher by the carry arbs…


VIX has been relatively well bid for the last week as managers appear loathe to sell but desirous of protection (VIX is notably rich relative to realized vol)…


Credit markets diverged notably on the day…


Oil slumped and commodities in general slid lower…


The USD rallied back to unch on the week led by notably JPY (and AUD) weakness…



Finally, putting everything into perspective, US Federal debt joined the party, obviously, and just printed at a fresh all time high of just over $17.2 trillion


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Charts: Give Thanks…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

David Stockman Fears “Panic” When The “Lunatic” Fed “Loses Control”

“It’s only a question of time before the central banks lose control,” David Stockman warns a shocked CNBC anchor, “and a panic sets in when people realize that these values are massively overstated.”

The outspoken author of The Great Deformation rages “the Fed is exporting its lunatic policies worldwide,” as central banks around the world have followed the Fed’s lead, “for either good reasons of defending their own currency and their trade and their exchange rate, or because they’re replicating the Fed’s erroneous policies.”

If one cares to look, Stockman adds, “there are bubbles everywhere,” citing Russell 2000 valuations of 75x LTM earnings as an example, “that makes no sense. It’s up 43% in the last year, but earnings of the Russell 2000 companies have not increased at all.” This is dangerous, he strongly cautions, “I haven’t seen too many bubbles in history” that haven’t ended violently.

“I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid…”

“Central banks all over the world have been massively expanding their balance sheets, and as a result of that there are bubbles in everything in the world, asset values are exaggerated everywhere.” 



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

David Stockman Fears "Panic" When The "Lunatic" Fed "Loses Control"

“It’s only a question of time before the central banks lose control,” David Stockman warns a shocked CNBC anchor, “and a panic sets in when people realize that these values are massively overstated.”

The outspoken author of The Great Deformation rages “the Fed is exporting its lunatic policies worldwide,” as central banks around the world have followed the Fed’s lead, “for either good reasons of defending their own currency and their trade and their exchange rate, or because they’re replicating the Fed’s erroneous policies.”

If one cares to look, Stockman adds, “there are bubbles everywhere,” citing Russell 2000 valuations of 75x LTM earnings as an example, “that makes no sense. It’s up 43% in the last year, but earnings of the Russell 2000 companies have not increased at all.” This is dangerous, he strongly cautions, “I haven’t seen too many bubbles in history” that haven’t ended violently.

“I’m not drinking the Kool-Aid…”

“Central banks all over the world have been massively expanding their balance sheets, and as a result of that there are bubbles in everything in the world, asset values are exaggerated everywhere.” 



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

E-Cigarette Ban Proposed in Chicago

Chicago is on its way to becoming the first major
U.S. city to ban electronic cigarette use in public and to place
other regulations on the product.

In December, the city council will vote on a proposal to amend
and expand a current tobacco ordinance. Backed by Mayor Rahm
Emanuel and aldermen Will Burns and Ed Burke, this measure would
ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, require retailers to gain a
license to sell e-cigarette products, force them to sell these
products behind the counter, and – despite the fact that
e-cigarettes contain no tobacco – apply the same public
prohibitions to them as tobacco products. The Chicago

that this means “adults would be prohibited from that
smoking e-cigarettes in virtually all of indoor Chicago except
private homes and vehicles, hotel rooms designated for smoking and
at least 10 feet away from building entrances.” If it passes, the
ordinance will take effect in January 2014.

All of this, city officials assure, is aimed at protecting
children. Chicago Health Commissioner Dr. Bechara Choucair told the
Sun-Times that it’s not enough that “we’ve seen a decrease
[in youth smoking], then a plateau. We really need to break that
plateau.” Choucair hopes to stamp out youth use of both cigarettes
and e-cigarettes.

Erika Sward, vice president of the American Lung Association,

approval for Chicago’s planned ban, saying, “We don’t
want to have people now exposed to e-cigarette second-hand
emissions until we know more about them.”

But can government officials actually convince people to stop
smoking cigarettes while also preventing them from utilizing
alternatives? Reason‘s Jacob Sullum has extensively
covered e-cigarette issues and has noted
that e-cigarettes are
not a gateway
to tobacco use, rather, “because e-cigarettes
more closely simulate the experience of smoking than nicotine gum,
patches, or inhalers do, they may be more
 in helping smokers quit.” Likewise, addressing
concerns about safety, he has
pointed out
that “the health hazards of vaping pale beside
those of smoking,” so the decrease in tobacco use that has
coincided with the
rise of e-cigarette use
in young people “might signal
successful harm reduction.”

Other cities considering e-cigarette restrictions include

New York City
Oklahoma City
, and
Beverly Hills

ReasonTV’s Tracy Oppenheimer addressed a number of e-cigarette
issues in the video below:

from Hit & Run