“I Fear For What’s Coming” – 68% Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Are you deeply concerned about the future of America?  Is something in your gut telling you that our system is fundamentally broken and that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about what is happening?  If so, you are definitely not alone.  Right now, there are millions upon millions of Americans that are absolutely horrified as they watch this nation deteriorate.  In fact, according to an analysis of recent polling data conducted by Real Clear Politics, approximately 68 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track and only 23.5 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the right track.

And of course our problems did not appear just recently.  In fact, many of them are the result of decades of very foolish decisions and they are not going to be fixed easily.  Unfortunately, there is very little consensus among Americans about how to fix any of our problems.  There is more anger, frustration, hatred and division in the United States today than there has been in decades, and there is very little hope that the great storms that are looming on the horizon will be averted.  Those that are wise are preparing for what is coming.  Those that are not are going to be absolutely blindsided by what is rapidly approaching.

Once upon a time, America was the wealthiest nation on the entire globe by a huge margin and it had the largest and most thriving middle class the world had ever seen.  But now America is drowning in the biggest ocean of red ink in the history of the planet and the middle class is being systematically destroyed.

If you read my articles on a regular basis, you already know all of this.  But now there are certain factors that are going to cause the problems of the middle class to greatly accelerate.

For instance, just consider what Obamacare is going to do to millions of American families.

The Foundry recently posted a story that detailed the extreme hardship that Obamacare is going to impose on one middle class family in Sonora, California.  This particular family is very healthy and does not have a history of health problems.  Up until now, they have had a health insurance policy with Anthem Blue Cross Insurance that they have been very happy with.

Back in 2011, this family was paying $389 a month for health insurance.

In 2012, due to changes in California law that figure went up to $499 a month.

Now, this family has just received a letter informing them that their current plan is being canceled and that if they want a new plan it is going to cost them $1,252 a month.

Needless to say, that news did not go over very well with that family.

Just think about it.

Can you come up with an extra $753 a month for health insurance?

Most American families certainly cannot.

Well, Kate Joy and her husband sat down and started trying to figure out how they could squeeze the new health insurance policy into their budget.  It turned out that they would have to cut out a lot of things.  The following is a list of the proposed cuts that they have come up with so far

  • Stop paying the extra payment on my mortgage: $100/month
  • Stop eating out: $150/month
  • Don’t go to the movies: $36/month
  • Switch to getting a haircut every other month: $15/month
  • Stop getting manicures: $40/month
  • Stop monthly charitable donations to Wounded Warrior and Habitat for Humanity: $70/month
  • Stop saving for an annual anniversary getaway: $60/month
  • No Christmas gifts to extended family: $40/month
  • Quit buying beef at the grocery store: $100/month
  • Teeth cleaning only once per year: $30/month
  • Cancel all magazine/newspaper subscriptions: at least $30/month
  • Cut DISH service to cheaper plan: $50/month
  • Cancel land line phone service: $70/month

If they make all of those cuts, it will save the family $791 a month.

Understandably, that family is having a very hard time feeling optimistic about the future right now.  In fact, at the end of the article Kate Joy is quoted as saying the following…

"I fear for what’s coming."

And of course her family is not the only one that is being absolutely hammered by Obamacare.

In a previous article, I discussed the results of one study which showed that health insurance premiums for men are going to go up by an average of 99 percent under Obamacare and health insurance premiums for women are going to go up by an average of 62 percent under Obamacare.


And a different study found that health insurance premiums for healthy 30-year-old men are going to go up by an average of 260 percent under Obamacare.

All of this is going to suck a tremendous amount of "discretionary income" out of the economy.

In addition, millions upon millions of Americans are going to make the choice to go without health insurance altogether.  And considering the level of care that we get in many of these hospitals that is understandable.  For example, the body of 57-year-old Lynne Spalding was recently discovered in a stairwell at San Francisco General Hospital 17 days after she had disappeared from her hospital room.

Those that provide our "health care" don't care about us as much as they did in the old days.  Instead, the health care industry just wants to get as much money out of us as rapidly as they can and then move on to the next victim.

And of course health care is not the only thing that middle class families have to be concerned about these days.  Our national employment crisis is getting even worse, incomes are shrinking, and Obama is pushing Congress to approve a secret treaty that will ship millions more of our jobs out of the country.

And there are certainly a lot of troubling economic signs as we head toward 2014.  Just consider the following examples…

-Pending home sales in the United States have fallen for five months in a row.


-Machinery giant Caterpillar is reporting negative retail sales growth in every region on the globe.  Historically, the sales growth of Caterpillar has been one of the most important indications of where the economy is headed next.


-Major banks are warning the Federal Reserve that they may have to start charging depositors a fee.  In other words, you may soon have to pay for the "privilege" of putting your money in the bank.

Of course this is just the beginning.  Things are going to get much, much worse in the years ahead as our economy continues to deteriorate.

And as things continue to fall apart, people are going to become a lot more desperate.  To get an idea of what is coming to America, just look at what is happening in Greece.  Some poor people in Greece have become so desperate that they are literally infecting themselves with HIV just so that they can get monthly government payments…

Suicides rose by 17% between 2007 and 2009 and to 25% in 2010, according to unofficial 2010 data (398). The Minister of Health reported a further 40% rise in the first half of 2011 compared with the same period in 2010. Suicide attempts have also increased, particularly among people reporting economic distress (610). Homicide and theft rates have doubled. HIV rates and heroin use have risen significantly, with about half of new HIV infections being self-inflicted to enable people to receive benefits of €700 per month and faster admission on to drug-substitution programmes. Prostitution has also risen, probably as a response to economic hardship. Health care access has declined as hospital budgets have been cut by about 40% (398) and it is estimated that 26 000 public health workers (9100 doctors) will lose their jobs (611). Further cuts are expected as a result of recent negotiations with the IMF and European Central Bank.

If you doubt this, you can find the original report with these findings right here.

A lot of people accuse me of being a "doom and gloomer" for writing articles like this.

A lot of people accuse me of trying to spread worry and fear.

But I do not see it that way at all.

I was recently asked what the number one issue is that has me so worried that it keeps me up at night.

Do you know what my answer was?


Nothing that I write about keeps me up at night.

I am not worried about what is coming and I do not believe in giving in to fear.

Rather, I believe that there is hope in understanding what is happening, and I believe that there is hope in getting prepared.

Do you want to know who is going to be totally giving in to worry, fear and despair in the years ahead?

The people that are not getting prepared right now.

Do you want to know who is going to be jumping off the top of tall buildings in the years ahead?

The people that are laughing at articles like this one.

For most adults in America, they primarily define their lives by their jobs, their material possessions and by all of the toys that they have accumulated.  When those things get taken away, we are going to see a national hissy fit that is absolutely unprecedented.

The Republicans are not going to save us from the storm that is coming and neither are the Democrats.

It is coming.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/GDcpH-Auzdk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

"I Fear For What’s Coming" – 68% Of Americans Believe The Country Is On The Wrong Track

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse blog,

Are you deeply concerned about the future of America?  Is something in your gut telling you that our system is fundamentally broken and that the mainstream media is not telling you the truth about what is happening?  If so, you are definitely not alone.  Right now, there are millions upon millions of Americans that are absolutely horrified as they watch this nation deteriorate.  In fact, according to an analysis of recent polling data conducted by Real Clear Politics, approximately 68 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track and only 23.5 percent of all Americans believe that the country is on the right track.

And of course our problems did not appear just recently.  In fact, many of them are the result of decades of very foolish decisions and they are not going to be fixed easily.  Unfortunately, there is very little consensus among Americans about how to fix any of our problems.  There is more anger, frustration, hatred and division in the United States today than there has been in decades, and there is very little hope that the great storms that are looming on the horizon will be averted.  Those that are wise are preparing for what is coming.  Those that are not are going to be absolutely blindsided by what is rapidly approaching.

Once upon a time, America was the wealthiest nation on the entire globe by a huge margin and it had the largest and most thriving middle class the world had ever seen.  But now America is drowning in the biggest ocean of red ink in the history of the planet and the middle class is being systematically destroyed.

If you read my articles on a regular basis, you already know all of this.  But now there are certain factors that are going to cause the problems of the middle class to greatly accelerate.

For instance, just consider what Obamacare is going to do to millions of American families.

The Foundry recently posted a story that detailed the extreme hardship that Obamacare is going to impose on one middle class family in Sonora, California.  This particular family is very healthy and does not have a history of health problems.  Up until now, they have had a health insurance policy with Anthem Blue Cross Insurance that they have been very happy with.

Back in 2011, this family was paying $389 a month for health insurance.

In 2012, due to changes in California law that figure went up to $499 a month.

Now, this family has just received a letter informing them that their current plan is being canceled and that if they want a new plan it is going to cost them $1,252 a month.

Needless to say, that news did not go over very well with that family.

Just think about it.

Can you come up with an extra $753 a month for health insurance?

Most American families certainly cannot.

Well, Kate Joy and her husband sat down and started trying to figure out how they could squeeze the new health insurance policy into their budget.  It turned out that they would have to cut out a lot of things.  The following is a list of the proposed cuts that they have come up with so far

  • Stop paying the extra payment on my mortgage: $100/month
  • Stop eating out: $150/month
  • Don’t go to the movies: $36/month
  • Switch to getting a haircut every other month: $15/month
  • Stop getting manicures: $40/month
  • Stop monthly charitable donations to Wounded Warrior and Habitat for Humanity: $70/month
  • Stop saving for an annual anniversary getaway: $60/month
  • No Christmas gifts to extended family: $40/month
  • Quit buying beef at the grocery store: $100/month
  • Teeth cleaning only once per year: $30/month
  • Cancel all magazine/newspaper subscriptions: at least $30/month
  • Cut DISH service to cheaper plan: $50/month
  • Cancel land line phone service: $70/month

If they make all of those cuts, it will save the family $791 a month.

Understandably, that family is having a very hard time feeling optimistic about the future right now.  In fact, at the end of the article Kate Joy is quoted as saying the following…

"I fear for what’s coming."

And of course her family is not the only one that is being absolutely hammered by Obamacare.

In a previous article, I discussed the results of one study which showed that health insurance premiums for men are going to go up by an average of 99 percent under Obamacare and health insurance premiums for women are going to go up by an average of 62 percent under Obamacare.


And a different study found that health insurance premiums for healthy 30-year-old men are going to go up by an average of 260 percent under Obamacare.

All of this is going to suck a tremendous amount of "discretionary income" out of the economy.

In addition, millions upon millions of Americans are going to make the choice to go without health insurance altogether.  And considering the level of care that we get in many of these hospitals that is understandable.  For example, the body of 57-year-old Lynne Spalding was recently discovered in a stairwell at San Francisco General Hospital 17 days after she had disappeared from her hospital room.

Those that provide our "health care" don't care about us as much as they did in the old days.  Instead, the health care industry just wants to get as much money out of us as rapidly as they can and then move on to the next victim.

And of course health care is not the only thing that middle class families have to be concerned about these days.  Our national employment crisis is getting even worse, incomes are shrinking, and Obama is pushing C
ongress to approve a secret treaty that will ship millions more of our jobs out of the country.

And there are certainly a lot of troubling economic signs as we head toward 2014.  Just consider the following examples…

-Pending home sales in the United States have fallen for five months in a row.


-Machinery giant Caterpillar is reporting negative retail sales growth in every region on the globe.  Historically, the sales growth of Caterpillar has been one of the most important indications of where the economy is headed next.


-Major banks are warning the Federal Reserve that they may have to start charging depositors a fee.  In other words, you may soon have to pay for the "privilege" of putting your money in the bank.

Of course this is just the beginning.  Things are going to get much, much worse in the years ahead as our economy continues to deteriorate.

And as things continue to fall apart, people are going to become a lot more desperate.  To get an idea of what is coming to America, just look at what is happening in Greece.  Some poor people in Greece have become so desperate that they are literally infecting themselves with HIV just so that they can get monthly government payments…

Suicides rose by 17% between 2007 and 2009 and to 25% in 2010, according to unofficial 2010 data (398). The Minister of Health reported a further 40% rise in the first half of 2011 compared with the same period in 2010. Suicide attempts have also increased, particularly among people reporting economic distress (610). Homicide and theft rates have doubled. HIV rates and heroin use have risen significantly, with about half of new HIV infections being self-inflicted to enable people to receive benefits of €700 per month and faster admission on to drug-substitution programmes. Prostitution has also risen, probably as a response to economic hardship. Health care access has declined as hospital budgets have been cut by about 40% (398) and it is estimated that 26 000 public health workers (9100 doctors) will lose their jobs (611). Further cuts are expected as a result of recent negotiations with the IMF and European Central Bank.

If you doubt this, you can find the original report with these findings right here.

A lot of people accuse me of being a "doom and gloomer" for writing articles like this.

A lot of people accuse me of trying to spread worry and fear.

But I do not see it that way at all.

I was recently asked what the number one issue is that has me so worried that it keeps me up at night.

Do you know what my answer was?


Nothing that I write about keeps me up at night.

I am not worried about what is coming and I do not believe in giving in to fear.

Rather, I believe that there is hope in understanding what is happening, and I believe that there is hope in getting prepared.

Do you want to know who is going to be totally giving in to worry, fear and despair in the years ahead?

The people that are not getting prepared right now.

Do you want to know who is going to be jumping off the top of tall buildings in the years ahead?

The people that are laughing at articles like this one.

For most adults in America, they primarily define their lives by their jobs, their material possessions and by all of the toys that they have accumulated.  When those things get taken away, we are going to see a national hissy fit that is absolutely unprecedented.

The Republicans are not going to save us from the storm that is coming and neither are the Democrats.

It is coming.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/GDcpH-Auzdk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

US, Japan Criticize Chinese Air Defense Zone Over Disputed Islands

Both Japan and
the U.S. have said that they will not recognize the new Chinese air
defense zone that
includes uninhabited islands
claimed by both Japan and

Voice of America

Japan’s defense chief said Tokyo is working closely with
Washington following China’s establishment of an air defense zone
over disputed waters in the East China Sea.

The U.S. and Japan have vowed not to recognize the air defense
identification zone, under which Beijing wants all civilian and
military aircraft to identify themselves and obey its orders.

Earlier today, a Pentagon spokesman said that two B-52
 had flown over the disputed islands.

Follow this story and more at Reason

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Reason articles. You can get the
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interest to Reason’s readers please let us know by emailing the
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from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/us-japan-criticize-chinese-air-defense

What Currency Is Even More Hated Than Gold?

With the JPY’s recent breakout back into its weakening trend, hedge funds are betting that this run of weakness continues. While ‘economists’ are less convinced that the JPY will weaken further, and even the Japanese officials somewhat jawboning the currency’s stability now, futures traders have pushed ‘net shorts’ – bets against the JPY – to their highest since July 2007. Between the possibility of a Fed taper (stronger USD) and fading economic gains (more BoJ QQE), it would appear that Japan’s $70bn per month buying program is not going to shrink anytime soon. While the world has grown accustomed in recent months to ‘hating’ gold – despite the ECB and BoJ rumors of more money-printing and an inevitable un-taper by the Fed – for now, the ‘dislike’ of the JPY has exploded.



Which brings to mind…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/bzfL7Mxx02s/story01.htm Tyler Durden

How To Trade Everything This Week In One Chart

While US Thanksgiving week tends to thin out trade, there are some takeaways based on historical seasonal trends. Most are aware of the positive bias for US stocks, but as the following chart from Barclays shows there are notable biases in USDJPY, Canadian government bonds, Brent crude, Japanese government bonds, Gold, and German stocks…



Source: Barclays


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/0Ax3WU8i1zk/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Treasury Sells $35 Billion In 5 Year Paper To Solid Demand

If yesterday’s 2 Year Auction showed a substantial pick up in Bids to Cover in recent months, then today’s 5 Year, while sold in terms of end demand with the high yield pricing at 1.340%, through the 1.344% when issued, did not confirm this trend for at least the next longer maturity. The sale of $35 billion in 5 Years came at a 2.61 Bid to Cover, below last month’s 2.65, and below the TTM average of 2.69. More importantly as can be seen on the chart below, the trendline is lower if one sets aside such “one-time” spooking events as debt ceilings and government shutdowns. Indirect demand picked up notably, taking down precisely 50% of the auction, leaving 10.8% to Directs, and just 39.2% to Dealers: the lowest PD takedown since the 37.8% in July. Overall, nothing to write home about as total US debt, contrary to all fabulations about a plunging deficit, continues on its relentless ramp every higher, at last check printing over $17.2 trillion.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/-IdRsab4Q_k/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Does Edward Snowden Have a “Doomsday” Cache of Super-Secret Documents? Let’s Hope So.

Edward SnowdenAmerican and British
intelligence officials are reportedly in a tizzy about a supposedly
vast “doomsday” cache of extremely sensitive and potentially
damaging intelligence files Edward Snowden has hidden away as an
insurance policy. If you’re one of those people wondering why the
internationally famous whistleblower hasn’t been snatched or
snuffed for revealing the extent of National Security Agency-led
surveillance on the American people and the wider world, this is
likely the reason. If he goes down, the thinking goes, he’ll take
his tormenters with him. Very powerful, very amoral tormenters who
now lay awake at night wondering what he’ll do.

According to Mark Hosenball of

British and U.S. intelligence officials say they are worried
about a “doomsday” cache of highly classified, heavily encrypted
material they believe former National Security Agency contractor
Edward Snowden has stored on a data cloud.

The cache contains documents generated by the NSA and other
agencies and includes names of U.S. and allied intelligence
personnel, seven current and former U.S. officials and other
sources briefed on the matter said.

The data is protected with sophisticated encryption, and
multiple passwords are needed to open it, said two of the sources,
who like the others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss
intelligence matters.

The passwords are in the possession of at least three different
people and are valid for only a brief time window each day, they
said. The identities of persons who might have the passwords are

This cache supposedly contains documents separate from the
extensive information Snowden supplied to journalists around the
world. That data detailed surveillance operations that he (and many
of us) found morally reprehensible. The “doomsday” data is believed
to contain names and persona details of intelligence officials.

Whether or not Snowden actually has secreted such
sensitive information, to be released if anybody moves against him,
it’s the sort of precaution that makes enormous sense for a man in
his position. It makes enough sense that officials probably have to
assume that he has created such a safeguard, even in the absence of
strong evidence. He obviously has sensitive documents and a serious
bone to pick with the intelligence community. Their security was
breached. Why wouldn’t he hold something in reserve?

It is, after all, almost certainly what the likes of James
Clapper and General Keith Alexander would do, to protect their own

There is a wonderful irony in an intelligence community
whistleblower using the threatened release of information to shield
himself from retribution by government spooks who make their living
by digging up everybody else’s secrets. Hoist by their own petards,
they have to gamble that he’ll release just enough sensitive data
to hurt them and force policy changes they oppose, or else risk the
complete unveiling of exactly the sort of compromising intel
they’ve dedicated themselves to unearthing about others.

Just for the record, the drinks are on me, Mr. Snowden, if we
ever meet.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/does-snowden-have-a-doomsday-cache-of-su

Does Edward Snowden Have a "Doomsday" Cache of Super-Secret Documents? Let's Hope So.

Edward SnowdenAmerican and British
intelligence officials are reportedly in a tizzy about a supposedly
vast “doomsday” cache of extremely sensitive and potentially
damaging intelligence files Edward Snowden has hidden away as an
insurance policy. If you’re one of those people wondering why the
internationally famous whistleblower hasn’t been snatched or
snuffed for revealing the extent of National Security Agency-led
surveillance on the American people and the wider world, this is
likely the reason. If he goes down, the thinking goes, he’ll take
his tormenters with him. Very powerful, very amoral tormenters who
now lay awake at night wondering what he’ll do.

According to Mark Hosenball of

British and U.S. intelligence officials say they are worried
about a “doomsday” cache of highly classified, heavily encrypted
material they believe former National Security Agency contractor
Edward Snowden has stored on a data cloud.

The cache contains documents generated by the NSA and other
agencies and includes names of U.S. and allied intelligence
personnel, seven current and former U.S. officials and other
sources briefed on the matter said.

The data is protected with sophisticated encryption, and
multiple passwords are needed to open it, said two of the sources,
who like the others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss
intelligence matters.

The passwords are in the possession of at least three different
people and are valid for only a brief time window each day, they
said. The identities of persons who might have the passwords are

This cache supposedly contains documents separate from the
extensive information Snowden supplied to journalists around the
world. That data detailed surveillance operations that he (and many
of us) found morally reprehensible. The “doomsday” data is believed
to contain names and persona details of intelligence officials.

Whether or not Snowden actually has secreted such
sensitive information, to be released if anybody moves against him,
it’s the sort of precaution that makes enormous sense for a man in
his position. It makes enough sense that officials probably have to
assume that he has created such a safeguard, even in the absence of
strong evidence. He obviously has sensitive documents and a serious
bone to pick with the intelligence community. Their security was
breached. Why wouldn’t he hold something in reserve?

It is, after all, almost certainly what the likes of James
Clapper and General Keith Alexander would do, to protect their own

There is a wonderful irony in an intelligence community
whistleblower using the threatened release of information to shield
himself from retribution by government spooks who make their living
by digging up everybody else’s secrets. Hoist by their own petards,
they have to gamble that he’ll release just enough sensitive data
to hurt them and force policy changes they oppose, or else risk the
complete unveiling of exactly the sort of compromising intel
they’ve dedicated themselves to unearthing about others.

Just for the record, the drinks are on me, Mr. Snowden, if we
ever meet.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/does-snowden-have-a-doomsday-cache-of-su

Dilbert's Scott Adams Wishes a "Long, Horrible Death" to Assisted Suicide Opponents

Death to my opponents.Scott Adams, the self-described “pro-death
Dilbert creator, wrote on his
personal blog
this weekend that his father was dying a slow and
painful death and that he wishes for people who’ve done anything to
help maintain the prohibition on doctor-assisted suicide to
experience the same pain and suffering:

If you’re a politician who has ever voted against
doctor-assisted suicide, or you would vote against it in the
future, I hate your fucking guts and I would like you to die a
long, horrible death. I would be happy to kill you personally and
watch you bleed out. I won’t do that, because I fear the
consequences. But I’d enjoy it, because you motherfuckers are
responsible for torturing my father. Now it’s personal…

…I’m okay with any citizen who opposes doctor-assisted suicide
on moral or practical grounds. But if you have acted on
that thought, such as basing a vote on it, I would like you to die
a slow, horrible death too. You and the government are accomplices
in the torturing of my father, and there’s a good chance you’ll
someday be accomplices in torturing me to death too.

He continues on to caution readers not to “misconstrue this post
as satire or exaggeration,” emphasizing that the raw emotion of the
situation is fueling his anger. The post was followed by outrage
and disgust from
pro-life activists.
Adams’ father has since died.

While National Review helpfully points out that Adams’ wrath
approximately half the US population
, that number should be
weighed against the 62 percent of Americans who believe in a moral
right to suicide when the patient is “suffering great pain with no
hope of improvement.” This could indicate that most Americans
believe in the right to control your own life and death, but that a
portion of them fear that doctor-assisted suicide might be
susceptible to abuse. In fact, Adams addresses this concern near
the bottom of his post:

I know that many of my fellow citizens have legitimate concerns
about doctor-assisted suicide. One can certainly imagine greedy
heirs speeding up the demise of grandma to get the inheritance.
That would be a strong argument if doctor-assisted suicide wasn’t
already working elsewhere with little problems, or if good things
in general (such as hospitals and the police) never came with their
own risks.

For an example of some of those places where doctor-assisted
suicide is working without rampant elder abuse or other horrific
consequences, watch the Reason TV video below, which examined the
fight for legalization in Montana.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/dilberts-scott-adams-wishes-a-long-horri

Dilbert’s Scott Adams Wishes a “Long, Horrible Death” to Assisted Suicide Opponents

Death to my opponents.Scott Adams, the self-described “pro-death
Dilbert creator, wrote on his
personal blog
this weekend that his father was dying a slow and
painful death and that he wishes for people who’ve done anything to
help maintain the prohibition on doctor-assisted suicide to
experience the same pain and suffering:

If you’re a politician who has ever voted against
doctor-assisted suicide, or you would vote against it in the
future, I hate your fucking guts and I would like you to die a
long, horrible death. I would be happy to kill you personally and
watch you bleed out. I won’t do that, because I fear the
consequences. But I’d enjoy it, because you motherfuckers are
responsible for torturing my father. Now it’s personal…

…I’m okay with any citizen who opposes doctor-assisted suicide
on moral or practical grounds. But if you have acted on
that thought, such as basing a vote on it, I would like you to die
a slow, horrible death too. You and the government are accomplices
in the torturing of my father, and there’s a good chance you’ll
someday be accomplices in torturing me to death too.

He continues on to caution readers not to “misconstrue this post
as satire or exaggeration,” emphasizing that the raw emotion of the
situation is fueling his anger. The post was followed by outrage
and disgust from
pro-life activists.
Adams’ father has since died.

While National Review helpfully points out that Adams’ wrath
approximately half the US population
, that number should be
weighed against the 62 percent of Americans who believe in a moral
right to suicide when the patient is “suffering great pain with no
hope of improvement.” This could indicate that most Americans
believe in the right to control your own life and death, but that a
portion of them fear that doctor-assisted suicide might be
susceptible to abuse. In fact, Adams addresses this concern near
the bottom of his post:

I know that many of my fellow citizens have legitimate concerns
about doctor-assisted suicide. One can certainly imagine greedy
heirs speeding up the demise of grandma to get the inheritance.
That would be a strong argument if doctor-assisted suicide wasn’t
already working elsewhere with little problems, or if good things
in general (such as hospitals and the police) never came with their
own risks.

For an example of some of those places where doctor-assisted
suicide is working without rampant elder abuse or other horrific
consequences, watch the Reason TV video below, which examined the
fight for legalization in Montana.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/dilberts-scott-adams-wishes-a-long-horri