Guest Post: Will The Dollar Lose Its Reserve Currency Status To An SDR Currency?

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Since the SDR is just an aggregate of fiat currencies, it cannot really change the fundamentals of the current status quo.

Many observers believe the U.S. dollar (USD) will lose its status as the world's reserve currency sooner rather than later. Proponents of this view often mention China's agreements with various trading partners to settle trade in their own currencies rather than the dollar as evidence of this trend.

More substantial evidence can be found in the diversification of reserves held by many nations. The euro now makes up about a fourth of all currency reserves:

Here is the IMF (international Monetary Fund) page on voluntarily reported currency reserves: Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER). Note the large amount of reserves that are not "allocated," i.e. the currency being held is not specified.

Some see the replacement of the U.S. dollar by some other currency as a welcome development, not just for the world economy but for the U.S., as the reserve currency has substantial burdens. Regardless of whether such a replacement would be positive or negative, many analysts see no plausible alternative to the USD as the primary reserve currency for a host of reasons.

Another camp sees China's purchases of gold as paving the way for China's currency (renminbi a.k.a. yuan) to replace the dollar as the global reserve currency. Those who have studied China's policy makers doubt this is the goal; rather, they see China as most likely pursuing a multi-polar world in which no one nation issues the reserve currency.

One set of observers has long held that the ideal replacement for the dollar is a hybrid currency issued by the IMF called SDRs (Special Drawing Rights). The IMF describes the SDR thusly:

"The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries' official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies."

The four currencies are the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen and the British pound. China is widely seen as working toward floating the renminbi (that is, no longer pegging it to the dollar) so it could be included in the SDR currency.

The SDR seems to many to be the ideal replacement of the USD as the reserve currency, especially if China's currency joins the basket of currencies that make up the SDR.

Though the advantages of a multi-currency basket are fairly self-evident, questions remain if the SDRs are a realistic or practical option. These questions come to mind:

1. Since the SDR is just a basket of currencies, doesn't it simply aggregate the weaknesses of all fiat currencies? In other words, what happens to the value of the SDR when priced in gold, oil or other commodity if every nation in the basket prints its currency with abandon? The SDR will lose value just like any any fiat currency, because it is simply a composite fiat currency.

2. Couldn't a nation simply hold all currencies in the SDR in the same percentages as in the SDR basket? Clearly, this is possible: a nation could acquire the same basket of currencies held by the SDR and in the same weighting. In that case, what is the purpose of the SDR?

3. What happens to the relative value of one of the constituent currencies in the SDR if the issuing nation experiences a currency crisis or devalues its currency by one means or another? Clearly, the relative weighting of that currency would decline within the SDR basket.

The SDR, then, does nothing to impede currency crises or devaluations; it is simply a risk-management tool that works by diversifying the risk of holding too much of any one currency. But since any nation can pursue the same risk-management strategy directly by diversifying its reserves with multiple currencies, what's the point of holding SDRs as a risk-management tool?

4. Since the SDR is just an aggregate of existing currencies, it is not an independent currency. An independent currency would need to be supported by either enforceable taxation rights or some commodity or basket of commodities: gold, for example, or a "bancor"-type basket of commodities (gold, oil, grain, etc.) owned by the issuing nation/entity.

(Another potential independent currency that could serve as a reserve currency is a non-state issued digital currency such as Bitcoin: Could Bitcoin (or equivalent) Become a Global Reserve Currency? (November 7, 2013). Digital currencies' valuation is based not on taxation or gold but carefully managed scarcity.)

Since the SDR is just an aggregate of fiat currencies, it cannot really change the fundamentals of the current status quo.

Boiled down to its essence, the SDR is presented as a shortcut solution to deeply seated problems. The reserve currency problem cannot be fixed by a basket of fiat currencies, as fiat currencies (and the trade imbalances they generate) are the problem.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Fed Chairman Yellen and the Coming Dollar Crisis


Janet Yellen will be the new Fed Chairman come January 2014.


Yellen is the head of the San Francisco Fed. There is a lot of misinformation about her on the web, but the fact of the matter is that she is a career academic with absolutely zero banking experience or business experience.


This puts her in the same boat as Greenspan and Bernanke. Indeed, the only Fed Chairman we’ve had in 50 odd years with any banking experience is Paul Volcker.


With that in mind, it’s important to note that Yellen has been one of the biggest proponents of QE as a monetary policy. In 2011, she stated that QE 1 and QE 2 would create a total of the million new jobs by the end of 2012. Suffice to say, the woman does not understand monetary policy or economics as they pertain to the real world.


And she will likely inherit a US Dollar crisis.


The US Dollar is preparing to stage a significant breakdown. The uptrend that has been in place since 2011 has already been broke (blue line) and we has already broken key support (black line) briefly last month.



The Fed’s $85 billion per month QE 3 and QE 4 programs are very anti-Dollar. However, on the opposite end of the global currency see-saw is the Euro which comprises 56% of the US Dollar index.


A lower Dollar means a higher Euro. A higher Euro hurts European exports (over 50% of Germany’s economy is export driven). So QE could very well force the ECB to act to push down the Euro. This dynamic will fuel much of the monetary issues of the Yellen-Fed era.


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Phoenix Capital Research






via Zero Hedge Phoenix Capital Research

Massive Pipeline Explosion Near Milford, Texas; Entire Town Being Evacuated – Live Choppercam

Every day in the New Normal, it is either a mass shooting or an explosion in some pipeline or crude-carrying train. Moments ago, a pipeline in Texas exploded in a massive fireball and has prompted the evacuation of the nearby town of Milford.

From Breaking911:

Smoke and flames are visible for miles. There is a fear that an additional pipe may explode. Nearby schools have all been evacuated as well. NUmerous rescue teams responding; unknown if there are any injuries at this time.


UPDATE 11:30AM EST: According to county officials, a 10-inch pipeline east of U.S. Highway 77 and Farm-to-Market Road 308 was being worked on when it exploded.


UPDATE 11:31AM EST: NBC reports that there are no injuries.
– See more at:…


Live chopper cam from CBS FDW:

CBS Dallas Live Stream


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Obama Folds: You 'Can' Keep Your Plan (For Now) – Live Webcast

Between last night’s dismal reality of enrollees in Obamacare, the collapse to record lows of Obama’s approval rating, and the growing disillusionment among the President’s own party have forced the administration to “fix” Obamacare. As Politico reports, the president’s proposal would allow insurers to offer plans in 2014 that were previously slated to sunset this year, but require the companies to let consumers know how — if at all — their policies don’t comply with the minimum benefits of the Affordable Care Act, according to a source briefed on the proposal. Insurance companies are not amused as risk pools will need to be adjusted. We leave to our policy-changer-in-chief to explain the nuances of this fiasco and why this is not a “fold”, not an admission that the law is FUBAR, and not in any way similar to the Tea-Party’s suggestion that Obamacare be delayed by one year


As CNN reports:

As the story of the Obamacare website fiasco unfolds, senior administration aides tell me that the President is “mad, frustrated and angry.


Mad that his signature legislative achievement is stuck at the gate, frustrated that he’s running out of time to fix it and angry that he’s got a second-term agenda now going nowhere. He’s so furious, in fact, that he stepped out of character to vent to an assembled group of top aides. “If I had known (about the website problems),” the steaming President reportedly said, according to The New York Times, “we could have delayed the website.”

Live Feed:



Can we get a web cam of Ted Cruz’s office?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Obama Folds: You ‘Can’ Keep Your Plan (For Now) – Live Webcast

Between last night’s dismal reality of enrollees in Obamacare, the collapse to record lows of Obama’s approval rating, and the growing disillusionment among the President’s own party have forced the administration to “fix” Obamacare. As Politico reports, the president’s proposal would allow insurers to offer plans in 2014 that were previously slated to sunset this year, but require the companies to let consumers know how — if at all — their policies don’t comply with the minimum benefits of the Affordable Care Act, according to a source briefed on the proposal. Insurance companies are not amused as risk pools will need to be adjusted. We leave to our policy-changer-in-chief to explain the nuances of this fiasco and why this is not a “fold”, not an admission that the law is FUBAR, and not in any way similar to the Tea-Party’s suggestion that Obamacare be delayed by one year


As CNN reports:

As the story of the Obamacare website fiasco unfolds, senior administration aides tell me that the President is “mad, frustrated and angry.


Mad that his signature legislative achievement is stuck at the gate, frustrated that he’s running out of time to fix it and angry that he’s got a second-term agenda now going nowhere. He’s so furious, in fact, that he stepped out of character to vent to an assembled group of top aides. “If I had known (about the website problems),” the steaming President reportedly said, according to The New York Times, “we could have delayed the website.”

Live Feed:



Can we get a web cam of Ted Cruz’s office?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

The Only Two Charts That Matter For The Fed

Here are the only two charts that matter:

First, the Fed now owns a third or 32.47% of all 10 Year equivalents, up 32.22% from the prior week, and rising at a pace of 0.3% per week.


Second, the Fed is now monetizing a record 70% of all net US 10 Year equivalent issuance.


That is all.

Source: Stone McCarthy and RBS


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Yellen Timestamp: "No Bubble"

For the benefit of the revisionist media (if there is any media left) once the final asset bubble has popped in a few years time, and which like now will try – incorrectly – to make Yellen appear Oracular in her prophetic “bubble warnings”, we would just like to “timestamp” what she just said:


So there you have it: No risks, no bubbles, and on the record. Thank you Mr. Chairwoman. And now, you may continue BTFATH.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Yellen Timestamp: “No Bubble”

For the benefit of the revisionist media (if there is any media left) once the final asset bubble has popped in a few years time, and which like now will try – incorrectly – to make Yellen appear Oracular in her prophetic “bubble warnings”, we would just like to “timestamp” what she just said:


So there you have it: No risks, no bubbles, and on the record. Thank you Mr. Chairwoman. And now, you may continue BTFATH.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Gold Spikes As QEeen Yellen Mentions Fed's Tools (Then Slides As She Warns "QE Can't Go On Forever")

UPDATE: Gold is slipping back as Yellen notes:



Yesterday was equity markets turn to get all exuberant over Yellen’s promises. Today, it is the reality that she will do whatever it takes and her mention of data-dependence and ongoing use of Fed tools that is sending gold (and silver) higher.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Gold Spikes As QEeen Yellen Mentions Fed’s Tools (Then Slides As She Warns “QE Can’t Go On Forever”)

UPDATE: Gold is slipping back as Yellen notes:



Yesterday was equity markets turn to get all exuberant over Yellen’s promises. Today, it is the reality that she will do whatever it takes and her mention of data-dependence and ongoing use of Fed tools that is sending gold (and silver) higher.



via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden