Rebuttal: In defense of Congressman Lynn Westmoreland

I would like to disagree with Mr. Neil Monroe on Lynn Westmoreland and the Tea Party.

I too have been a long-standing Republican. I was an “I like Ike” kid when I was 10 years old.

To begin with, Lynn Westmoreland showed a lot of backbone when he stood up and questioned the judgment of putting Muslims of questionable background in sensitive areas of our government. The last person to do this was Joe McCarthy.

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via The Citizen

Pota Coston, you are good candidate

In a day and age where most candidates only provide lip service and their actions show far less there has been one candidate from Tyrone who gained so many people’s respect because we saw her actions way before we heard her speak.

Pota Coston, thank you for being a candidate we can be proud of. You gained my attention and respect when you were the only politician to work a food drive and worked it with a humble servants heart and attitude for over three hours.

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via The Citizen

Thanks, PTC cops, EMTs

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Corporal Hughes of the Peachtree City Police Department for coming to the aid of our son after he recently had a golf cart accident.

Corporal Hughes was kind and compassionate to our son, who also suffered injuries in the crash.

We would further like to extend our thanks to the paramedics on duty from Station 83 in Peachtree City who came to the aid of our son, as well.

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via The Citizen

Commodities Clubbed, Stocks Mixed On “Good-Cop-Bad-Cop” Fed Speak

The Nasdaq and Trannies closed green, Dow and S&P red (the latter pinned to VWAP thanks to some late-day JPY ignition dragging it off the lows). Volume was 'average and into the close VIX was bid as stocks clung to VWAP. Treasury yields limped higher from yesterday's small rise (30Y +1bps on the week, 5Y +4bps). The USD index would suggest a quiet day (practically unch of the week) but dispersion with EUR strength and AUD and JPY weakness was notable. Credit markets continued to slide notably. The biggest moves of the day were in commodity land with silver -3.5% on the week and gold and oil pinned to each other (petrogold?) -1.5% on the week, and copper -1% on the week. Today was all about POMO (as usual) and dueling Fed speak (Lockhart talked us down and Kocherlakota saved the day).

The day in stocks…


quite dispersed across the indices with the DoJ airline deal topping the Trannies…


Credit ain't buying it…


and Commodities were sold…as POMO ended and Europe closed…


While the USD ends unch, there is clearly a lot of dispersion in FX markets…


Shorts "won" today – as yesterday's squeeze was collapsed back lower…


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Commodities Clubbed, Stocks Mixed On "Good-Cop-Bad-Cop" Fed Speak

The Nasdaq and Trannies closed green, Dow and S&P red (the latter pinned to VWAP thanks to some late-day JPY ignition dragging it off the lows). Volume was 'average and into the close VIX was bid as stocks clung to VWAP. Treasury yields limped higher from yesterday's small rise (30Y +1bps on the week, 5Y +4bps). The USD index would suggest a quiet day (practically unch of the week) but dispersion with EUR strength and AUD and JPY weakness was notable. Credit markets continued to slide notably. The biggest moves of the day were in commodity land with silver -3.5% on the week and gold and oil pinned to each other (petrogold?) -1.5% on the week, and copper -1% on the week. Today was all about POMO (as usual) and dueling Fed speak (Lockhart talked us down and Kocherlakota saved the day).

The day in stocks…


quite dispersed across the indices with the DoJ airline deal topping the Trannies…


Credit ain't buying it…


and Commodities were sold…as POMO ended and Europe closed…


While the USD ends unch, there is clearly a lot of dispersion in FX markets…


Shorts "won" today – as yesterday's squeeze was collapsed back lower…


Charts: Bloomberg


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Life Through the Lens of a Central Banker

By: Chris Tell at


I am a central banker. Let me tell you my story. I look presentable, nice suits, am well spoken, I have impeccable credentials. I wear a vacuous stare, though I like to think of it as a stern expression. My most honest feature, other than low wattage IQ, is that I am a complete a-hole. Imagine Tucker Max meets Paul Krugman, a cocktail if ever there was one.

I am, unsurprisingly a self-serving, arrogant pr!#k. I am unencumbered by a working knowledge of arithmetic, all of which are prerequisites for the job I hold.

Work, if you could call my disguised witchcraft that, is ridiculously easy. It involves the creation of trillions of digital blips, humorously referred to as “money”. I do this with vigour and sometimes, especially after a stiff scotch, with wild abandon, whoopee!

Just because I don’t need to work, that doesn’t mean that everyone else enjoys such a reprieve, in fact my activities actively ensure that all those around me have to work twice as hard. I told you I was an a-hole.

The process of my creating “money” out of thin air is a little complicated…to fool the hoi polloi of course. The process involves issuing debt and then buying it myself. Nifty little trick really, quite genius stuff and the vast majority of the populace don’t seem to mind it one bit. In fact, the financial markets want more of it. Wonderful stuff!

In order to pull it off I enlist economists whom I ensure my mates at the Nobel committee award prizes to. These charlatans are trolled out to sing the praises of me and my fellow colleagues “work”, and together with the Lame Street media they peddle the required message like a well-dressed crack dealer peddling his latest laboratory concocted death vice to impressionable school kids.

This is not enough…oh not nearly enough. My buddies, whom I’ll likely join when I “retire” from my current position all work at a wonderful place called Goldman Sachs. This is where I will go on to do “God’s work”.

I realise that to complete the process of paying myself and my buddies on Wall Street with the proceeds of citizens hard work, I need more than simply smoke screens, academic “thought leaders”, Lame Street media and congressional parasites, I need enforcement. This is just in case any of the plebes decide they’ve gotten wise to my gig.

This of course is where legislature comes in. In order to “enforce” one needs some jack-booted thugs. These are easily recruited from the sub-educated classes who rally to the cry, “I’m a patriot”. Military minds, easily counted on. Getting them to do the dirty work is cheap and surprisingly easy.

The hoi polloi, for reasons that I cannot fathom, love to look toward a leader. Being the complete prat that I am, I together with my banker buddies have concocted something called democracy. On the outside it’s designed to look like “the people” are choosing their favourite leader. It’s an elegant solution and keeps me in full control at all times. I trot out a few podium doughnuts to appease the masses and voilà, they follow like rats to a flute.

The fact that I, and my buddies are actively turning what was the world’s most favoured, and prosperous nation into a giant leper colony doesn’t matter to me. Few see it, and those that do have likely already left for greener pastures.

Those who don’t know what they’re talking about rail against my work, calling it some “crazy experiment” which they profess would have ended long ago if it weren’t for a strange anomaly. Every other developed nation on this planet is doing exactly the same thing as I am, causing a gigantic, artificial sea of liquidity.

These ignorant fools suggest that like all things artificial, someday our tinkering will backfire. What they fail to see is that we’ve created a cohesive solution to not only our problems, but those of all indebted western economies.

I can get away with this since my competition, namely the developed worlds other central bankers, are all doing the same thing.

Not all is well though. Apparently their exists growing discontent, mass unemployment, social exclusion, rising ethnic tensions due to inequality, deepening poverty and rising despair. I look around at my friends while sipping a ridiculously expensive whiskey and have to disagree. The stock market is up, the dollar is strong(ish), government issued bonds are the strongest they’ve ever been…things are just dandy.


If this world seems surreal it shouldn’t. You have yourself a front row seat…we all do.

– Chris

“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” – Mark Twain


via Zero Hedge Capitalist Exploits

DOJ Drops Opposition to Airline Merger, Typhoon Deaths Not as High as Feared, Schools Targeted for 3d Printers: P.M. Links

  • You just know the minute a student makes something pointy, the whole thing is gonna get tossed out.American Airlines and U.S.
    Airways have finally satisfied the Department of Justice enough, by
    giving up some gates and facilities at airports, that the agency
    stop trying to block their merger
  • Deaths in the Philippines because of Typhoon Haiyan will likely

    not reach the 10,000
    leaders feared, but they’re still likely
    to surpass 2,000.
  • A North Carolina man is facing federal charges that he tried to

    join an al-Qaeda-linked group
    in Syria.
  • MakerBot is trying to get a
    3d printer in every school
    . Given how Los Angeles Unified
    School District freaked out over iPad hacking, I can only imagine
    the kind of panic will come from kids’ creations.
  • More and more retailers are announcing they’re
    opening on Thanksgiving evening
    . Walmart is the latest.
  • SeaWorld is suing the federal government to try to end a ban on

    contact between humans and killer whales
    . A judge put the order
    in place following the death of a trainer in 2010.

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from Hit & Run

Brian Doherty on Robert Sarvis and the LP’s Surprising Total in the Virginia Governor Race

Robert Sarvis, a former tech entrepreneur and
lawyer involved with the free-market think tank Mercatus, won
a surprising amount of the vote as the Libertarian Party’s
candidate in last week’s Virginia governor’s race—6.6 percent, or
around 145,000 votes. That was the third largest vote
percentage any Libertarian has ever won for any governor’s
race. The two who did better, Dick Randolph in Alaska in 1982 and
Ed Thompson in Wisconsin in 2002, had, unlike Sarvis, held elective
office in their states before. Sarvis copped the best third party
result for any party in the south for agubernatorial candidate in
40 years. Many Republicans reacted to Sarvis’ strong showing,
combined with Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s narrow
defeat, with accusations that Sarvis caused Cuccinelli’s loss.
That was clearly not true. Although Sarvis was not the death of the
GOP in Virginia, writes Brian Doherty, he may represent a new lease
on life for the Libertarian Party not just in Virginia but

View this article.

from Hit & Run

Brian Doherty on Robert Sarvis and the LP's Surprising Total in the Virginia Governor Race

Robert Sarvis, a former tech entrepreneur and
lawyer involved with the free-market think tank Mercatus, won
a surprising amount of the vote as the Libertarian Party’s
candidate in last week’s Virginia governor’s race—6.6 percent, or
around 145,000 votes. That was the third largest vote
percentage any Libertarian has ever won for any governor’s
race. The two who did better, Dick Randolph in Alaska in 1982 and
Ed Thompson in Wisconsin in 2002, had, unlike Sarvis, held elective
office in their states before. Sarvis copped the best third party
result for any party in the south for agubernatorial candidate in
40 years. Many Republicans reacted to Sarvis’ strong showing,
combined with Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s narrow
defeat, with accusations that Sarvis caused Cuccinelli’s loss.
That was clearly not true. Although Sarvis was not the death of the
GOP in Virginia, writes Brian Doherty, he may represent a new lease
on life for the Libertarian Party not just in Virginia but

View this article.

from Hit & Run

NAACP Back Marijuana Federalism

The National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) recently

a bill that would make the federal ban on marijuana
inapplicable to people who grow, possess, or distribute cannabis in
compliance with state law. H.R. 1523, the Respect State
Marijuana Laws Act of 2013, would essentially repeal (or at least
limit) federal pot prohibition in the 21 states that allow medical
or recreational use of the drug. So far the bill, which was
introduced by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), has 20
, including five more Republicans: Justin Amash
(Mich.), Dan Benishek (Mich.), Don Young (Alaska), Duncan
Hunter (Calif.), and Steve Stockman (Texas). 

The NAACP resolution endorsing H.R. 1523, which was adopted
by its board of directors at a meeting last month, notes that “even
though numerous studies demonstrate that whites and African
Americans use and sell marijuana at relatively the same rates,
studies also demonstrate that African Americans are, on average,
almost 4 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession,
and in some jurisdictions Blacks are 30 times more likely to be
arrested for marijuana possession than whites.” The NAACP, which in
recent years has highlighted the
racially disproportionate impact of marijuana prohibition and
the war on drugs, last year
the successful legalization initiatives in Colorado
and Washington, so it’s not surprising that the organization wants
the feds to step back and let those experiments proceed. But Tom
Angell, chairman of Marijuana Majority,
that the NAACP’s willingness to stand up for state’s
rights is significant given the group’s history of battling
segregationists who (erroneously) waved that banner:

For obvious historical reasons, many civil rights leaders who
agree with us about the harms of marijuana prohibition still remain
reluctant to see the states chart their own courses out of the
failed “war on drugs.” Having the NAACP’s support for a states’
rights approach to marijuana reform is going to have a huge impact
and will provide comfort and cover to politicians and prominent
people who want to see prohibition end but who are a little
skittish about states getting too far ahead of the feds on this

As I’ve argued
in Reason, there is nothing inherently right-wing about
the Constitution’s division of powers between the states and the
federal government. Properly understood, federalism was never a
license for violating rights protected by the 14th Amendment, and
today it can profitably be employed by progressives to further
their own causes. Ending the war on drugs should be at the top of
the list. 

from Hit & Run